Truth 4 Evie

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From NicoleBelle930
thanks for another great idea

Living room

Mal: E you got a truth.
Evie: What.
Mal: Have you ever a had a crush on Ben Carlos or Jay.
Evie: Umm. Yes yes and.
Mal: Yes.
Evie: No. Well yeah.
Ben, Jay and Carlos: You has a crush on me.
Mal: You had a crush on my husband.
Evie: am calm down. For like 10 minutes when we first met him. You've been married to him for 2 years together for 5.
Mal: Ok fine.
Evie: Besides it was only because he was a prince. About to be come king.
Carlos: Why us.
Evie: I'm sorry what. Now. Bye.
Mal: Evie.
Evie: Uhh.
Jay: So. Why. Evie.
Mal: Jay you said that so weirdly.
Jay: How.
Mal: You were like. So. Why. Evie.
Jay: Fuck off Mal.
Mal: I'm sorry do want to go to jail for verbally assaulting the queen.
Ben: ( high fives Mal) Great job Babe. (kisses her).
Carlos: Ok love birds. Let's.... Stop. Evie answer why did you like us.
Evie: I just thought you were cute. Like really really cute. But not any more.
Mal: Finally well that took long enough.

Thanks Nikki for the idea.

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