Dare 36 Belle

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Idea from Jiantristhebest917

The Castle, Belle & Adam's bedroom

Adam: (enters) Belle?

Belle: (looks up at her husband lovingly) Yes my Darling?

Adam: You have gotten a dare.

Belle: Fuck. What is it?

Adam: It's a bad one. Like really really bad.

Belle: Adam! Will you please just tell me.

Adam: You have to tell Ben that...

Belle: Yes?

Adam: Mal is actually our child and that Maleficent kidnapped her, making her his sister.

Belle: What? WHAT? Nooooo! I am not doing that!

Adam: You can tell him it's not true right after.

Belle: Does Mal have to be there too?

Adam: It doesn't say but I think she should be.

Belle: Alright. Alright. Let's get this over with!

Ben & Mal's room

Belle: (knocks with Adam standing beside her)

Mal: (answers) Hey Belle, Adam. How can I help you?

Belle: Hey Sweetheart, where's Ben?

Mal: His office, why?

Belle: I need to tell you too something.

Mal: Alright, let's go then! (they all walk to his office, Mal wonders what this news is)

Ben's Office

Mal: (opens the door, Ben has repeatedly told her she did not need to knock) Hey! (her husband looked up at her, smiling) You busy?

Ben: To busy for you never? What is it Babe?

Mal: (opens the door wider so that both Belle and Adam can come in)

Belle: Ben, we have something to tell you.

Ben: Ok... (he signals for Mal to come sit next to him leaving them opposite his parents)

Belle: So basically, this might be hard to hear, Mal, Maleficent is not your biological mother.

Ben & Mal: What?

Belle: Mal, you're our daughter.

Ben & Mal: WHAT!!

Ben: Are you telling me I married my sister!

Belle: Yes. Maleficent kidnapped you as a baby we are only released when we saw you who you were.

Mal: You knew before we were married?

Belle: Yes.

Ben: I don't believe this. Why do you think this?

Belle: (sighs) Because it was a dare.


Adam: That, was brutal!

Sorry this took so long, to be honest I forgot about it!

I'm laying the out with gaps now so they are clearer to read, might go back and change my old ones, we'll see.

Thank you for reading, consider checking out my other stories, hope you enjoyed. Leave any suggestions in the comments or message me. 😊

Thanks You

Descendants_Bal4ever ♥️

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