Truth 3 Everyone

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From baldescendants

Mal: Truth for all of us.
Ben: What is it Babe.
Mal: How much kids do you want and what do you want to name them.
Belle: Zero.
Ben: Thanks Mother.
Mal: It says not Belle and Adam.
Chad: I'll go first. Unlimited. All boys named Chad or Chad Jr. Oh maybe Mal...
Mal: Gross.
Ben: (laughs).
Chad: If you don't like it what can I change to make you want the kids.
Mal: The father.
Chad: Well I think that one you all ready have is mine. Right Baby.
Mal: No.
Ben: I hope it's not.
Mal: How many do you want Babe.
Chad: Unlimited.
Mal: I was talking to Ben. Why are you even here Chad no so charming.
Chad: To be with you.
Mal: No. No no no no. Chad just Fuck off.
Ben: Mal. It's true though.
Mal: Ben.
Ben: Two at the least I hated being an only child I want my kids to be kids not kid.
Mal: We'll see after this one how we feel but I want three.
Ben: Names.
Mal: I like girls Bella, Amber boys Arron.
Ben: Nice Babe. Put that on the list.
Evie: Ok let's try someone less now. I want two.
Doug: Maybe. Names.
Evie: I like Neave. Don't know anyone less.
Jay: One. I don't even have a lover yet.
Everyone but Jay: Lover.
Jay: Yeah.
Carlos: Probably two too.
Jane: That's sounds fine. But I'll have to check with my .... well I think you know.
Lonnie: One.
Audrey: None. I've been watching a lot of things and not a fan of pregnancy.
Harry: That's fine.
Ben: Happy I didn't marry you.
Mal: Yeah. Me too.
Uma: I don't even want a boyfriend. Kids. Pass.
Gil: You could date me.
Uma: Ew.
Mal: Ok that's everyone.

Bye thank you and please comment more ideas. Thank you.

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