Dare 21 Girls (plus Carlos)

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Idea from Decidueye24

Carlos' apartment

Carlos: Hey Jay
Jay: Yeah?
Carlos: Check the dare the girls just got. (shows Jay the screen)
Jay: That's pretty easy.
Carlos: Would you like to do it?
Jay: Oh hell no!

The castle

Carlos: Helllloooohoh
Mal: What was that?
Carlos: Nothing.
Mal: Okayyy?
Carlos: Anyway.
Mal: Truth or dare?
Carlos: (thinks she's trying to play the game with him) Dare.
Mal: Which is? (still asking what hers is)
Carlos: I don't know you asked me.
Mal: (realizes) Dance like a chicken.
Carlos: Easy.
Mal: I'm front of Belle and Adam.
Carlos: What are you crazy?
Mal: They will not care?
Carlos: Easy for you to say. Your their daughter in-law and the queen. You are one of the only people in Auradon with higher status with them.
Mal: Second highest to be exact.
Carlos: Yeah! If Ben were to die you would be the one to rule.
Mal: On we're getting off topic, please can we not talk about my husband dying?
Carlos: Sorry.
Mal: It's fine, I'll go get my in-laws.

Belle and Adam's bedroom

Mal: (knocks)
Belle: (answers) Hi darling.
Mal: Hi Belle, can you come down stairs Carlos wants to show the both of you something.
Adam: Ok... sure I guess.

Back in living room

Ben: Hey (kisses her softly).
Mal: Hi.
Belle: Carlos?
Carlos: Yeah?
Adam: What would you like to show us.
Carlos: Oh right (starts chicken dancing and making noises.
Ben: (gently pulls Mal aside) Babe what is goin on right now?
Mal: Carlos came in and I thought he was giving me a dare so I asked weather it was truth or dare.
Ben: Okayyy.
Mal: And he thought I was asking him.
Ben: Do you told him to Chicken dance?
Mal: Yep!

Five minutes later

Jay: Hey Carlos, have you told any of the girls about their dare yeee... what are you doing.
Carlos: Chicken dancing.
Belle: It's ehh lovely (still sitting in chair and watching his dance)
Adam: Yes it truly is.
Jay: Dude, by are you chicken dancing.
Carlos: It was a dare. I came here and Mal said truth or dare. I picked dare and I'm doing my dare right now.
Mal: (burying her head into Ben's shoulder to hide her laughs)
Jay: What? She was asking if she had a truth or a dare not playing with you.
Carlos: What (still dancing).
Carlos: (stops)
Belle: That was weird.
Adam: Yes, yes it was.
Mal: You guys don't have to stay.
Adam: Ok then (both try to leave)
Jay: Wait. Your part of the dare too Belle.
Belle: Oh great.
Ben: What is the dare?
Carlos: All the girls have to wear ballet tutu and dance in them.
Ben and Adam: (laughs followed by both getting slapped in the arm by their wives)
Mal: I better tell the other girls.

Three hours later Mal, Belle, Evie, Lonnie, Jane, Audrey, Uma, Dizzy and Celia all are together outside of the castle ready to preform. They all do their dance followed by all the boys clapping. Especially those who's wife/girlfriend toke part in the dance. The dance consisted of slot of twirls and the older ones did a few lifts with younger ones. Dizzy and Celia did not like that If all truths/dares this was the one they were in.

Sorry I stopped posing after posing like five chapters within like 24 hours . Even though this didn't really relate to much to the original dare I hope you all liked it. Decidueye24 I'm sorry your dare wasn't that featured much in the story but I wanted a longer part and didn't know how to do that with just the print. This was a bit random but hopefully someone liked it. I have been rambling for a while and I'm sorry for that. As always please comment more ideas below. ♥️

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