Dare 24 Evie

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Idea from me

Evie's castle

Mal: (knocks)
Evie: Hey M
Mal: Hey E, you got a dare.
Evie: Oh fun, I haven't done any in a while.
Mal: I remember when I enjoyed it, anyway your dare is you have to tell Doug you slept with Chad.
Evie: What!
Mal: Not so fun now is it? Well enjoy.

20 minutes later

Evie: Doug?
Doug: Yes Darling?
Evie: I have something to tell you...
Doug: Ok?? What?
Evie: Wellll, I umm well I kinda. What I'm trying to say is I.
Doug: Evie just tell me.
Evie: Ok, last week I slept with Chad.
Doug: (jumps out of chair yelling) YOU DID WHAT!!! I THOUGHT THAT YOU LOVED ME!!!! THIS RELATIONSHIP IS OVER. OVER. (storms out)
Evie: (crying) Wist Doug I'm sorry, I do love you so much.
Evie: It was just a dare.
Doug: Really?
Evie: (wipes a at her tears) Of corse it is.
Doug: Oh thank god. (hugs her) I'm sorry.
Evie: I know.

Hey everybody, thank you all so much for reading. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE comment or message more truth or dares it's hard having to come up with them all by myself. Hope you enjoyed, and hopefully it won't be such a long gap in between next time.

P.S thanks for 10k reads on this book.

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