Dare 26 Belle

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Idea from: Me

Ben and Mal's Room

Mal: (enters her room)
Ben: Hey Babe!
Mal: Hey, guess who got a dare.
Ben: I hope not one of us.
Mal: (laughs) No, your Mom.
Ben: Really! Again??
Mal: Um hmm.
Ben: Ok, so what is it.
Mal: To tell your Dad that she thinks you shouldn't be King anymore and that they should steal it from you.
Ben: Why would someone even think of that?
Mal: It was the game dunner, no one's being suggesting any so she has to come up with her own.
Ben: Oh well.
Mal: Soooo.
Ben: Soooo?
Mal: Should we go tell your Mom.
Ben: (laughs) Oh right yes, of course, let's go.

The Living Room

Ben: (enters with Mal and sees Belle sitting on the sofa alone) Mom?
Belle: Yes sweetie?
Mal: You got another dare.
Belle: Really? Again? Fine, what is it?
Mal: To tell Adam that you think that Ben shouldn't be King anymore and that you guys should take it from him.
Belle: That's ridiculous.
Ben: (realizes what's about to happen) Oh God.
Mal: (sings) R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S
Ben: Please stop.
Mal: (lightly touches his arm) Babe, you will never live this down.
Ben: I know. That spell really was effective.
Mal: Or did you just already love me?
Ben: The second one.
Mal: Yeah, I thought so.
Ben: (laughs)
Belle: Right, so I just get this over done with.
Ben: Sure.
Mal: Good luck, Belle.
Belle: Thanks.

Belle and Adam's room.

Belle: Adam?
Adam: Yes my darling?
Belle: I need to come clean.
Adam: About what?
Belle: Ben.
Adam: What about Ben?
Belle: He shouldn't be king.
Adam: What?
Belle: He's doing a horrible job.
Adam: How!?
Belle: I don't know I just don't agree with any of his decisions and wouldn't trust him to make more.
Adam: We'll what do you want to do? Take the crown right off his head.
Belle: Yes. Well I mean not literally cause it's not like he wears it every minute of everyday.
Adam: Ok, but we can't just do that! We're not the rulers anymore, he and Mal are. I can't believe you would even suggest that! What is wrong with you?
Belle: I don't know, probably it's just because it's a dare.
Adam: We'll next time... Wait what?
Belle: It's a dare stupid.
Adam: Right, makes much more sense.

Thanks everyone for reading. Please check out my other stories. Also I would love some suggestions for this book and questions for my Q&A book.

Let me know what you think of this chapter.


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