Dare 23 Mal

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Idea from RavenWillows167

Jay: (knocks on door to Ben and Mal's room)
Ben: (answers) Oh, hey Jay.
Jay: Hi Ben, is Mal here.
Ben: Oh she just went to speak to my mum quickly. Why?
Jay: Ummmm.
Ben: Another one!
Jay: Yeah.
Ben: God she gets a lot, hope it's not to bad.
Mal: (walks towards her and Ben's room and stands next to her husband when she sees the familiar face of her long term friend) Oh! Hi Jay.
Jay: Hey.
Ben: (puts his arm around his incredibly pregnant wife causing her smile lightly ) Any guesses why he may be here.
Mal: Oh no. What is it now.
Jay: You have to do the ice bucket challenge.
Mal: Wow. Who thought that would be a good idea.
Ben: Seriously though who keeps picking on my pregnant wife?
Mal: Good question Babe.
Jay: Anyway though. Ready?
Mal: I guess as I'll ever be.
Ben: You sure.
Mal: Yeah.
Ben: If you want I'll do it with you.
Jay: Oh yeah.
Mal: (judgements look at Jay along with Ben) Really? You'd do that?
Ben: Of course.
Mal: (leans forward to kiss him of course with him immediately respecting) I love you.
Ben: I love you too.
Jay: (makes vomit sound) Gross.
Mal: Right let's do this.


Carlos: Right ready.
Ben: I guess.
Jay: 3,2,1. (both him and Carlos pour ice on them.
Mal: Ok yeah, that was not fun.

Thank you for reading and thanks to my friend for giving me this idea. Please comment more truths or dares below. ♥️

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