Truth 10 Everyone

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Idea from write_your_history

Carols: Hey we all got a truth.
Jay: What is it.
Carlos: What's your biggest fear.
Belle: Gaston.
Adam: Spiders.
Jay: Scaredy cat.
Mal: Your scared of caterpillars.
Jay: They have so many legs.
Evie: (eye roll)
Jay: So what about the rest of you then.
Carlos: Well it was dogs but now it's now planes. Only sometimes.
Jane: Fire, heavy fire I don't want to get into it today.
Carlos: Oh and fire for me too.
Jane: Yeah your acres of a candle.
Evie: Growing up on the isle there wasn't really much but I was scared I would eat one of my mother's apples.
Doug: Heights I hate heights.
Ben: Mine would have to be losing Mal and or the baby.
Mal: Aww same.
Lonnie: Clowns. Don't why only thing I've ever really been scared of.
Chad: Mal not being my wife.
Mal: Then you should really be scared.
Uma: Nothing.
Mal: Shrimps.
Uma: Hey!!
Harry: Losing my hook.
Gil: Dying a virgin.
Harry: Well that will the happen.

Thanks for reading. Wow twice in one night. So unlike me. Comment ideas.

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