Truth 14 Mal

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Idea from me (again)

Jay: (enters) Hey Mal
Mal: Truth or dare
Jay: I'm not pulling a Carlos
Mal: (laughs) Which is it
Jay: Truth
Mal: Ok, truths aren't to bad.
Jay: You might disagree (pulls up truth on his phone).
Mal; Right then, so what is it?
Jay: Oh right. The question was do you ever regret getting married so young.
Mal: What? Of course not. If I did I wouldn't still be married.
Jay: Ok but did you ever.
Mal: No!
Jay: Ok then coming ups you explain why, and why you got married so young?
Mal: Fine! Geez.
Jay: I mean you have to admit it was a very young age to get married.
Mal: Yeah, now but almost of the AK's parents got married got married young. Even younger then me, Snow was fourteen while Florian was thirty-seven. I think that is much much weirder then two nineteen year olds that had been together for three years getting married. I knew it seems really early for some people but it felt right for us, and we never regret Ed it.
Jay: Ok that was cheesy.
Mal: (rolls her eyes)

Thank you for reading. Man that took a lot my time to think of something. I'm really running out of ideas so please comment some. I don't care whether it's a truth or dare I just need more ideas. Hope you enjoyed and please check out my other books. ♥️

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