Dare 15 Mal

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Idea from bal4life1

Living room

Jay: (enters with Carlos) Hello Mal.
Mal: What's the truth or dare.
Carlos: How do you know?
Mal: We've been playing this game long enough that I'll know when you have one. So what is it truth or dare.
Jay: Dare.
Carlos: To be super clingy and annoying to Ben for 24 hours.
Mal: Interesting.

Ben and Mal's room

Mal: (comes in) Baby.
Ben: Yeah.
Mal: Baby Baby Baby.
Ben: Yes.
Mal: Babe Babe Babe.
Ben: Yes what is it.
Mal: Oh come on Ben will you just answer me (lies on the floor and starts to having a tantrum like a baby(
Ben: Yes Baby what is it.
Mal: (stands up) Hi (leaves).



Mal: Hi Baby (grabs onto him from behind).
Ben: (turns around and kisses her) Hey. Why were you acting wired earlier.
Mal: I was not.
Ben: Yeah you were.
Mal: (starts stomping on the ground while still tightly holding onto Ben)
Ben: What is wrong with you
Mal: What do you mean, nothings wrong.
Ben: If you say so (tries to leave)
Mal: (pulls him back)

There's not really any thing else I can do for this dare. Thank you for the ideas everyone please comment more preferably truths as my dares really out Buber my truths.

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