Dare 19 Adam

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Idea from me

Ben : (knocks on door)
Adam: Come in son.
Ben: Dad you got a dare.
Adam: Oh f-ing shit.
Ben:  (whispers) And I still can't swear.
Adam: What?
Ben: Oh nothing.
Adam: Ok so what's the dare?
Ben: Oh right ask mom for a divorce.
Adam: I gotta what?
Ben: I had to do it, now so do you.
Adam: How long till I can tell her?
Ben: Well I did two hours. Also (pulls fake divorce papers out from behind him somehow) you have to give her this and take off your ring.
Adam: Oh crap.
Ben: Bye dad.

And hour later

Belle: (enters  the room) Hi honey.
Adam: (whispers) Here we go. (louder) Where were you Belle?
Belle: Walking... you knew that.
Adam: Walking here huh. Did you go see Gaston? Visit him and the other still villainess villains in jail huh?
Belle: What? No!! Why would you think that?
Adam: I know you've been cheating with Gaston for months now.
Belle: I did not! How very dare you accuse me of that?
Adam: Belle I'm sick of the lies.
Adam: That's it (throws ring at Belle and pulls divorce papers out from under him) sign this and be out of castle by Monday.
Belle: (years forming in her eyes) What? After all these years. After our son.
Adam: I don't care, bye ex-wife (leaves to go to Ben and Mal's room).

Ben and Mal's room

Adam: (knocks on bedroom door)
Ben.: Hey dad.
Adam: Hey. Where's Mal?
Ben: Out with Evie. Oh hey did you do the dare on Mom yet?
Adam: Yeah.
Ben: How did you tell her?
Adam: Made up a whole fight. Told her I know she was cheating on me with Gaston. It's a good plan right?
Ben: You did what???
Adam: Is your hearing not working?
Ben: DAD!!!
Adam: What?
Ben: You can not do that.
Adam: What was your reason?
Ben: Nothing.
Adam: Nothing? What do mean nothing?
Ben: I mean I just said I wanted a divorce walked out and told her two hours later.
Adam: And that worked.
Ben: Well yes. If Mal was mad just for asking for a divorce, Mom is going to move out block you and tell me to never tell you her location. Then maybe she will see Gaston.
Adam: Well fuck... wait only sex.
Ben: I will say nothing about my mothers sex life for as long as I can.
Adam: I have to tell her.
Ben: You can't.
Adam Why?
Ben: Two hours ring any bells?
Adam: Well fucking shit. She gonna go fuck Gaston and start a new life with him.. as soon as she finalizes the divorce. I wish we got one more night.
Ben: (really grossed out) Get out.
Adam: Why?
Ben: It's my room.
Adam: I am your father do not speak to me like that ever Benjamin.
Ben: And don't ever speak to the king about your sex life.
Adam: (leaves)

2 hours later.

Adam: (comes back to see Ben and knocks again on his door)
Mal: (answers) Hi Adam.
Adam: Hello Mal. Where's Ben at.
Mal: Just the at the toilet. (signals to en-suite)
Adam: Ok have you seen Belle.
Mal: No. She's probably with Gaston.
Mal: You really couldn't think of a better reason could you.
Adam: No. What would you say?
Mal: Anything but that.
Ben: ( exists the bathroom) Hey dad.
Adam: Call your mother.
Ben: Geese fine. (calls Belle)
Belle: Hi sweetie.
Ben: Hey Mom, where are you?
Belle: Avoiding your father.
Adam: Put on speakerphone.
Ben: (turns on speaker phone)
Adam: Belle.
Belle: Adam!! What do you want?
Adam: To talk to my wife.
Belle: Sorry she's busy (quietly) Oh Gaston please just don't stop.
Ben: Mom aren't you just up in your room?
Belle: I was packing then he appeared.
Ben: Oh ok Mom.
Belle: Really I'm naked in bed with him right now he's so good.
Ben : I did not need that image.
Adam: Belle please, it was a dare.
Belle: Really.
Adam: Of course. It's like the one Ben had. It was even from the same person.
Belle: Wow sooo creative. Anyway Adam.
Adam: Yes?
Belle: I wasn't lying about the naked.
Adam: Oh really.
Belle: Coming up stairs or what?
Adam: Oh I will, but I think we should keep this call going a bit.
Ben: Ok (pushed him out of the room) keep the phone keep talking do whatever but not anywhere in a 5 mile radius of me.
Mal: And as for us...

Hiiiiii. As always sorry for the delay, as always. I'm just not a regular poster. Also like ever another chapter please comment ideas or post them on page. Thanks for reading the why I think is my longest chapter in this book.

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