Dare 2 Belle and Adam

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From NicoleBelle930

When it says Mum you pick ether Mum or Mom depending on where you live.

Auradon Castle

Ben and Mal's bedroom

Mal: (enters room). Babe
Ben: Yeah. (kisses her)
Mal: (kisses back then pulls away). Your parents got a dare.
Ben: What is it.
Mal: They have to both annoy each other with out knowing the other has the dare.
Ben: Oh that's good.
Mal: Yeah lets just hope it goes better then the last one.
Ben: (laughs). Me too Babe.

Adam's office

Ben: (enters with Mal). Dad
Adam: Yes Son.
Mal: You got a dare.
Adam: What.
Ben: You have to annoy Mum all day.
Adam: Fun.
Mal: Well go then.
Adam: Ok.

The living room

Mal: Belle.
Belle: Yes Mal.
Ben: Mum. You have a dare.
Belle: What is it.
Mal: To annoy Adam all day.
Belle: Fun.
Ben: That's what Da...
Mal: (gently elbows him).
Belle: What
Mal: Nothing. Right Ben.
Ben: Yeah nothing.
Belle: Ok I should get started.

20 minutes later

Still living room

Adam: (snorts loudly).
Belle: (eats aggressively).
Adam: (sings). Laaaaa laaaa.
Belle: (gets up and dances the renegade).
Adam: What are you doing. (starts twerking).
Belle: Same goes for you.

10 minutes later

Belle: Ben. Mal. Come here.
Ben: (walks in with Mal).
Mal: Yes.
Adam: You pranked is.
Ben: We didn't make the dare.
Adam: That was a good one.
Mal: It was.
Belle: Who wrote the dare?
Ben: Some called NicoleBelle930:
Adam: Well shout out to her.
Mal: Yeah thanks.

Really thank you Nicole that was great.
Can someone please give my a truth as this is truth or dare not dare. Thank you.

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