Dare 12 Mal (and Harry)

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Idea from bal4life1

Ben and Mal's Bedroom

Ben: Baby you got a dare and it's bad.
Mal: What.
Ben: You have to go on a date with Harry.
Mal: WHAT.
Ben: And kiss him.
Mal: (walks up to Ben and reads the dare in his phone) But I really don't want to kiss him.
Ben: Do think I want you kissing him. My wife and Harry. NO!
Mal: Wait does it say kiss on the lips.
Ben: No.
Mal: Then I don't have to kiss him on the lips I can just kiss his hand or something.
Ben: Better but you still have to go a date with him.
Mal: Not a romantic one.
Ben: You really are stretching the rules.
Mal: Is that a problem.
Ben: No.
Mal: And if he tries to kiss me I'll just remind him I'll married.
Ben: Or (grabs her hand) just show him that he'll of a diamond.
Mal: (laughs) Or that.
Ben: Just promise me you won't kiss him.
Mal: (kisses him) No I won't kiss Harry.
Ben: I love you.
Mal: Love you too.

Harry's house

Mal: (knocks)
Harry: Hello.
Mal: We need to go out on a date.
Harry: Sounds great (tries to kiss her and take her wedding ring off).
Mal: (slaps him and sorts her ring) Excuse me you know I'm married.
Harry: You were the one who asked me out.
Mal: You didn't let me finish.
Harry: Then finish.
Mal: We were dares to go on a date so if you kiss me.
Harry: You'll kill me.
Mal: No. My husband will.
Harry: Fine.


Mal: Hi can I please have a table for two.
Worker: Of course your majesty.
Harry: For me and (puts arms around her) my date (tries to kiss check).
Mal: Harry stop now.
Worker: Date? Are you cheating on your husband.
Mal: No of course not I was forced to do this. He knows I'm here.
Worker: Ok right this way.

End of date

Harry: This was fun.
Mal: No I wasn't I'm gonna go home and through up bye.
Harry: Why.
Mal: I'm pregnant.
Harry: Oh yeah.
Mal: Oh I almost forgot.
Harry: Yes.
Mal: I have to kiss you.
Harry: Why didn't you say so (leans in to her).
Mal: (slaps him)
Harry: You said we had to kiss.
Mal: Not in the lips. (kisses his hand for a millisecond) Bye.
Harry: Bye.

Thanks for reading guys please comment more ideas.

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