Truth 8 Everyone

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Idea from 2271654w  thank you

Living room

Evie: Another truth.
Mal: What.
Evie: If you had to be stranded on an island with only one person for a fortnight who would it be. Girls have to pick a boy boys have to pick a girl.
Mal: Easy.
Chad: Yeah me (tries to kiss her).
Mal: (slaps him right in the face)
Ben: Ok can everyone please just stay away from my wife.
Mal: I agree Baby.
Chad: If not me then who.
Mal: Who do you think? My husband obviously.
Chad: I'll try until the day I die to make you mine (leaves).
Mal: Finally.
Evie: Now we can really answer.
Mal: Easy Ben.
Ben: Thanks Babe and you.
Jay: Yeah that's good idea I mean you'll have a lot to do.
Evie: Doug.
Doug: Evie.
Jane: Carlos.
Carlos: Jane.
Jay: Whoever the hottest girl ever is.
Ben: You can't have her she's mine.
Mal: (laughs)
Jay: Ew not her.
Lonnie: The fattest guy ever.
Mal: Why.
Lonnie: I'll never run out of things to eat.

Thanks for reading please comment more ideas.

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