Truth 18 Everyone

60 1 1

Idea from me


Mal: (enters room) Group Truth!
Ben: Uhhh.
Mal: (laughs) It's, who was the last person you kissed?
Ben: We'll that's easy. (kisses Mal) You.
Mal: Why'd you have to kiss me wouldn't it already be me?
Ben: Of course.
Evie: Doug.
Doug: Evie.
Jane: Carlos.
Carlos: Jane.
Uma: Harry. Years ago.
Harry: Audrey.
Audrey: Harry.
Hades: Rando.
Mal: Why are you here dad?
Hades: To see if there is any trouble.
Belle: Adam.
Adam: Belle.
Jay: Uhhh you don't know her.
Lonnie: Same you don't know him.


Hope you enjoyed. Two in twenty minuets let's see if I can keep this going. Please comment ideas and questions. Love you.

- Descendants_Bal4ever

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