Dare 6 Hades

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From bal4life1

Hades' under world lair

Hades: (goes on his computer and sees there's a truth or dare for someone. Hades is part of it though he wasn't happy that he hadn't gotten one. He cheeked to see who it was for and was shocked that it was him. He read the dare and was now happy about what he got).Kidnap Mal for a week. Don't tell anyone. I love it.

Auradon castle

Hades: (sneaks in to find Mal. He remembers which room is hers and Ben's so he goes there hoping only Mal's in in there. He sneakily opens the door and quietly. He sees that only Mal is there do he puts her in a bag and leaves a sneakily as he arrived).

Hades' lair

Hades: (let's Mal out of the bag).Hi Mal.
Mal: Dad. Are you crazy why'd you kidnap me.
Hades: It was a dare.
Mal: Dad you cant tell me it's a date.
Hades: No I can't tell everyone less it's a dare.
Mal: What.
Hades: You have to stay here for a hole week. Can't tell anyone we're you are.
Mal: You got to be kidding me.
Hades: No only Kidnapping you.
Mal: Uhhhh. Dad give me your phone.
Hades: No.
Mal: So I really can't tell anyone where I am for a week.
Hades: Yes.
Mal: Not even my husband.
Hades: Especially Ben.
Mal: Dad I have a doctors appointment I have to go to tomorrow.
Hades: Why do you have to go to the doctors.
Mal: For the baby. (covers her mouth as she wasn't supposed to say that).
Hades: Your pregnant.
Mal: Yes.
Hades: Who's the father.
Mal: Who do you think.
Hades: I don't know that's why I asked.
Mal: My husband you idiot.
Hades: When you go back your husband is in very big trouble.
Mal: Just leave him alone.
Hades: No. I hate him.
Mal: Dad we've been married for two years now together for 5. When will you be nice to him.
Hades: Fine. But when he hurts you or cheats on you don't go running to me.
Mal: He wouldn't do that in a million years.

Next week.

Just outside the castle

Hades: (Parks his car and is about to take Mal inside).
Mal: Let's go Dad.
Hades: Ate you sure you don't want to stay.
Mal: Yes.


Mal: (with Hades walks around the place trying to find Ben).
Hades: Just go anywhere. He probably won't even know you've been gone.
Mal: Dad will you just Fucking shut up. (enters her and Ben's bedroom).
Ben: (sitting on the bed crying).
Mal: Ben.
Ben: (looks up see Mal goes right up to her kisses her). Where have you been.
Mal: My dad got a dare that he had to kidnap me for a week.
Ben: Worst week ever. (kisses her again).
Hades: So Ben you got my daughter pregnant.
Ben: Bye.
Mal: Dad. Go home.
Hades: Bye then.

Thank you please comment more ideas.

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