Truth 6 Everyone

329 5 11

Idea from Halseydescendants101

Living room

Mal: (walks in) Guys we have a truth.
Evie: What is it M.
Mal: Have you ever cheated on anyone.
Carlos: No.
Jay: Never had a girlfriend really just flirted with hell of a bunch of girls.
Ben: Ok. No.
Jane: But didn't you ask out Mal when you were still with Audrey.
Mal: Yeah but I spelled him so it doesn't count.
Jane: Ok and no I haven't.
Carlos: Good and no.
Lonnie: Never had a boyfriend.
Audrey: Yes. I was seeing Chad when I was still with Ben.
Harry: I've flirted with girls when I have a girlfriend but no more then that.
Adam: Yeah my girlfriend (Looks at Ben) before your Mum when I was really young I went on a date with someone else while I was with her.
Belle: No
Mal: Yes.
Everyone: What.
Jay: On who.
Mal: (looks at Ben) You.
Ben: (shocked and angry) What when.
Mal: Every night after you go to bed I go out with some random guy.
Ben: (really angry) What.
Mal: Baby I'm kidding.
Ben: It wasn't very sorry at all funny.
Mal: And no.

Thanks Halseydescendants101 for the truth if anyone else has any ideas please comment them.

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