Dare 28 Evie

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Idea from Zahra737345 (sorry it took so long)

Evie's Castle

Jay: (knocks on front door)
Evie: (opens) Hi Jay!
Carlos: Hellooo!
Evie: Wait your both here...
Jay: Yep!
Evie: That means...
Carlos: Truth or dare!
Evie: Yayyy!
Jay: Sarcasm.
Evie: Actually I'm not that bothered, I've not done that much so I'm still pretty ok with it.
Carlos: We'll see after this.
Jay: Can't be ad bad ad Ben and Mal, I think they're planning to banish us from the kingdom now.
Evie: Yeah she's pretty pissed, and when she's pissed, he's pissed.
Jay: She's about to be even more pissed.
Carlos: How many times have we said pissed?
Evie: Too many for this to be at all child appropriate, anyway, what is it, and how bad is it on Mal?
Jay: You have to tell her that you hate her, and that you don't want to be friends with her anymore.
Evie: WHAT!
Carlos: Can you see why Ben and Mal hate this game so much?
Jay: And us?
Evie: Oh god this isn't gonna be fun.
Jay: And you have to do it on live steam for all of Auradon to see, and you can't tell her till two hours later. Plus everyone else.
Evie: Oh god! (slams door right in their faces)
Carlos: Jay?
Jay: Yeah?
Carlos: The dare didn't really say all of that right?
Jay: Nope! Just thought it sounded funny.
Carlos: Good call! (fist bump)

A little whiles later, Royal Castle.

Evie: Hey Mal.
Mal: Hey! What are you doing here? (hugs her)
Evie: (hugs back slightly trying to seem as though she is reluctant and annoyed at her) Oh nothing, I just have something a need to do. Could you please help me?
Mal: Of course! What is it?
Evie: (props up her phone and puts it on Instagram live, waits a second for it to build up followers) Hey guys!
Mal: Ehh Evie, why are you in live?
Evie: Oh no reason.
Mal: Ok....
Evie: So, as you guys know, me and Mal have been best friends for a while, but that all changes today.
Mal: (small smile drops) What? (sadly)
Evie: Mal I hate you and I never want to be your friends ever again!
Mal: What!?
Evie: Bye!

The news spread across the kingdom far and wide very quickly, of course as Mal is the Queen you'd think people would be on her side, however, they were not, causing Ben to defend her and have to show it was not her fault. All this in just two hours.

It was ending soon though-

Evie: Hey?
Mal: What do you want?
Evie: To explain myself.
Mal: Explain what's your act like this to your so called best friend, pregnant best friend to be specific!
Evie: I'm sorry, it wasn't my fault.
Mal: How?
Evie: Ir was a dare. Honestly, I though you would have seen this coming.
Mal: Honestly, I should have. Sorry E, (pulls her in for hug)
Evie: (hugs back, fully this time) I need to fix the social media side of things now.

Jay & Carlos's apartment

Jay: Should we tell her that she didn't have to do all that?
Carlos: Nah, it's fine!

Hey guys! Zahra, I really am so sorry that it took over a month to get to your suggestion I honestly just didn't realize it was there. Anyway though, thank you all for reading and please suggest any truth or dares in any place (eg. here, my board, message me), or ask me any questions for my Q&A book that you would like to know about me.

Thanks again!

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