Truth 32 Chad

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Idea from me

Jay's and Carlos' place

Carlos: Jay!
Jay: (enters) Yeah?
Carlos: Chad got ANOTHER truth!
Jay: Good he must be easy to ask questions for.
Carlos: I really don't want to to see him.
Jay: Same.
Carlos: Why hasn't he been banned from Auradon yet?
Jay: Good question! Let's go tell Ben and Mal to ban him after.
Carlos: You think they'll do it.
Jay: With the amount Chad hits on her, definitely.

Chad's place

Carlos: (knocks on door)
Chad: (opens) Hello!
Jay: Truth.
Chad: Ah yes! What is it?
Carlos: Do you really think that you are ad amazing as you claim that you are?
Chad: We'll of course!! I am amazing! (shits door on their faces).
Jay: The castle?
Carlos: Let's go.

Hey guys!! Sorry I've been gone? I'll try to get back into my regular posting habit, but it would really help me out if you could please suggest some truth or dare ideas for future chapters.

Thanks! Hope you enjoyed!

Descendants_Bal4ever ♥️

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