Dare 17 Chad

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Idea from Zahra737345

Cinderella's castle

Carlos: Hey! (enters)
Jay: You got another dare.
Chad: Oh. Yay.
Carlos: Cause the last was a success.
Jay: Can't believe they sent another.
Chad: What is it.
Carlos: To flirt with Mal for a week.
Jay: In front of Ben.
Chad: Yes.
Carlos: This will not end well.
Jay: Definitely.


Ben and Mal's bedroom
Chad: (knocks)
Mal: (answers) Why are you here Chad.
Chad: Hey sexy.
Mal: (slams door in his face) (to Ben) He's such a creep.
Ben: I know.


Living room

Chad: Hey Mal.
Mal: (annoyed) Chad.
Ben: What do want?
Chad: If we had sex and I was really good do you think I can turn that into my baby.
Ben and Mal: (both leave)
Mal: (to Ben) He's gross.
Ben: I know.


Chad: (flirty voice) Hey baby.
Ben: Chad.
Mal: The baby is a she and she doesn't like you talking to her.
Chad: I meant you... baby.
Mal: That's not my name. (leaves)
Ben: (follows)


Ben: Babe we have to go!(shouts from distance)
Mal: Just coming. (walks along sees a rose on the ground). (quietly) What's this (reads) Dear my darling Mal..... you're hot let's fuck.
Ben: Babe, what is taking you soo... What is that.
Mal: (shows him)
Ben: (crumples up note and bins it with rose) That creep. (puts arm around Mal) Come on, let's just go to the appointment.


Mal: Chad needs to be band from the castle.
Ben: Agreed.
Belle: (knocks on door)
Ben: (answers) Hey mom.
Belle: Chad's here to see Mal.
Ben: Tell that pervert to leave and never come back (shuts door).

Hey guys!!! Sorry that took so long I'm trying to get back into writing but I can struggle a lot with having a schedule.
As always please comment your ideas below. Thanks xx

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