Dare 9 Ben

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From Princess_NicoleBelle sorry this very late

Ben and Mal's room

Mal: (walks in). Baby.
Ben: Yeah.
Mal: You got a dare to say to your Dad when your Mums not home tell him you saw your Mum kissing Gaston in a bar.
Ben: Ew.
Mal: Yeah good luck Babe.
Ben: Thanks. I'm gonna need it.

Living room

Ben: Dad can I talk to you for a minute.
Adam: Sure son.
Ben: Last night me and Mal went out and we walked past a bar.
Adam: Did you drink? Your still under age.
Ben: No but Mum was there. She was with.... Gaston!
Adam: What!!
Ben: She kissed him.
Adam: My wife kissed someone else. I'm gonna go talk to your mother.
Ben: Dad she's not here and.
Adam: She is she's in our room.
Ben: Dad wait.
Adam: No.

Adam and Belle's room

Belle: Hey Honey.
Adam: Don't.
Belle: What.
Adam: Ben told me what you did.
Belle: What.
Adam: The bar guy.
Belle: Who?
Adam: Your kissing buddy.
Belle: What are you talking about Adam.
Ben: It was a dare.
Adam: What.
Ben: I was dared to tell you kissed someone at a bar. She didn't. Right.
Belle: No I didn't.
Ben: Good.

Thanks for waiting and reading. Please comment ideas and I might use them in my story. Thank you and I'm gonna update my mine story Descendants 4 dark magic falls soon. Thank you all.

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