Truth 12 Belle

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Idea from me

Mal: (knocks on Belle and Adam's bedroom door)
Belle: (answers smiling) Hi sweetie.
Mal: Hi Belle, I just wanted to let you know that you had a truth.
Belle: Oh god, right let's get this over with. What is it?
Mal: Well umm. It's actually from the game master.
Belle: Well ok what is it?
Mal: Did you ever have a thing for Gaston?
Belle: What? No. (laughing and clearly lying)
Mal: Bellllleee?
Belle: What?
Mal: Come on Belle we both know that's not true.
Belle: You really want me to say it?
Mal: Yeah I mean Ben's not here and I'm not really going to get grossed out by it.
Belle: Really are you sure you won't get grossed out Mal? I mean I am your mother-in-law.
Mal: Yeah I mean nothing tops walking in on my parents.
Belle: Oh god, yeah Ben did that a few times it really was horrif... wait. Weren't you a baby when your parents divorced?
Mal: Yeah they never stopped going at it though.
Belle: Wow.
Mal: Belle?
Belle: Yeah.
Mal: Don't change the subject.
Belle: Ok, I once had a relationship with Gaston but it was purely sexual and I never had any feeling what so ever.
Mal: Gross.
Belle: Yeah said it was.
Mal: Yeah but Gaston's just gross.
Belle: Can't argue there.
Mal: Plus I already knew from that truth from a while back.
Belle: Oh yeah. That was from the game master as well right?
Mal: Yeah hers are always the worst.
Belle: I know right. People really need to suggest more ideas so she doesn't have to come with her own and make them so hard.
Mal: Mmm

Hey guys! As always thanks for reading. Sorry there was a bit of break again 🙄. I really thought I would post more this summer but unfortunately I broke my wrist six weeks ago and it made me want to take a break. Please as Belle and Mal said comment some truth or dares.

Also I have a few ideas for some Victorious stories so if anyone is interested in that let me know.

Thanks guys, please check out my other stories I would really appreciate it and I'd you know anyone who may like this story suggest it to them please.

Hope you enjoyed let me know what you think.

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