Dare 1 Ben

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From me.

Auradon Castle .

Ben's office.

Carlos: Ben.
Ben: What?
Jay: You have dare.
Ben: And it is.
Carlos: Tell Mal you want a divorce.
Ben: (mad). What.
Jay: That's what it says.
Carlos: The game manger sent us the dare.
Ben; Seriously though. (Pause). What do I have to do.
Jay: Take off your ring and give her these.
Carlos: (passes fake divorce papers).
Ben: (looks at the papers). When can I tell her the truth.
Jay: It has to last for at least 2 hours.
Ben: 2 hours. I can't do that.
Carlos: You have to.
Ben: Fine.

10 minutes later Ben and Mal's bedroom.

Mal: (turns around) Yeah.
Ben: I have to talk to you about something important.
Mal: Ok.
Ben: (takes off wedding ring and puts on bedside table).
Mal: Why'd you take your ring off.
Ben: Mal. (takes out the fake divorce papers). I want a divorce.
Mal: (shocked and mad). What.  
Ben: Bye Mal. (leaves).
Mal: (cries).
Ben: (cries).

Outside bedroom.

Jay: You did it.
Ben (sarcastically). Yay.
Carlos: It's 6 o'clock so you can tell her at 8.
Ben: Fine.

Dinner. Dining room at 7.30.
Mal's friends are staying over for a while.
Mal hasn't spoken to anyone sense Ben
"broke up with her".

Belle: Hey Mal I haven't seen you all day.
Mal: Oh yeah I guess so.
Evie: M are you Ok.
Mal: (looks at Ben). Yes I'm fine.

After dinner.

Evie: Ben.
Ben: (turns around).
Evie: What's wrong with your wife.
Ben: I got a dare. I had to tell her I want a divorce. Which I don't never but she's been really upset.
Evie: Tell her.
Ben: I can't. Not in till 8 o'clock.
Evie: It is 8. Go tell her.

Ben and Mal's room

Ben: Babe.
Mal: I'm not talking to you. And do not call me Babe Ben.
Ben: Mal it was a dare.
Mal: What
Ben: Baby I would never break up with you.
Mal: (kisses him passionately). I love you.
Ben: I love you too so much. I'll never divorce you Baby (keeps his arms round her waist)
Mal: (smiles). Your the best.
Ben: I hated that dare.
Mal (laughs). Me to.

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