Dare 18 Chad

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Idea from _vril_

Cinderella's castle

Jay: Hey Chad. Guess what you got another dare.
Chad: Yes! What is it now.
Jay: Kiss Jane in front of Carlos and FG.
Chad: I wish it was Mal but Janes hot too.
Jay: Ehh wow ehh bye Chad (leaves).
Chad: Bye Jay.

Fairy Godmothers house

Chad: (comes in)
FG: Hey there Chad. What's with the surprise visit.
Chad: No reason. Hey is Jane here.
FG: Yes her and Carlos are upstairs.
Chad: Perfect I was hoping to see them two and you of course.
FG: Umm ok. (calls up) JANE, CARLOS can you come down please.
Jane: (comes down with Carlos) Hey what's up Mom.
Chad: (walks up to her and kisses her roughly)
Jane: (tries to pull away then punches him directly in the face) Fucking jerk.
FG: Leave now Chad.
Chad: What ever (leaves).

Thanks for the idea. Hope you all liked it. Please comments one truth or dates below. Please no more for Chad in a while as the last three were about him.

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