Dare 22 Ben

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Idea from Alphameenz

Jay: (knocks on door and opens it ) Hey!
Ben: Hi, truth or dare?
Jay: Now remember Carlos that means he wants to know what his is. He is not trying to start a game with you.
Ben: (laughs)
Carlos: Oh haha.
Ben: Anyway...
Carlos: Oh right. Yeah this one's actually a pretty easy one.
Ben: Is it really?
Jay: Yeah, you just have to hit Mal with a pie.
Ben: Oh, in a way that sounds kind of fun. Does sound bad? That I want to to hit my pregnant wife with a pie?
Carlos: (whispers) You said it wrong.
Jay: (whispers) What?
Carlos: (whispers) He has to let Mal hit him not hit her.
Jay: Ohhh
Ben: You know I'm still here. You can whisper all you want but I can still see your talking.
Jay: It's nothing.
Ben: Tell me.
Carlos: Why should we.
Jay: Stop acting all tough like that. We both No that ain't you.
Carlos: Hey!
Ben: Hello.
Jay: Seriously though why should we tell you?
Ben: Because I'm your king.
Jay: And?
Ben: so could get you both kicked out of Auradon for life.
Carlos: Wouldn't the king and queen have to agree on that kind of decision.
Ben: You really think I can't convince Mal?
Carlos: Ok fine.
Jay: You don't get to throw a pie at her.
Ben: You just said I could?
Carlos: Jay read it wrong, what it actually says is you have to let Mal hit you with a pie.
Ben: What? Why?
Jay: Hey she is the pregnant one.
Ben: Don't you think I know that. Who do you think got it in there.
Jay: That is probably the weirdest way I've ever heard anyone describe sex.
Ben: Oh and you've had more experience.
Jay: You've been with one woman.
Ben: My wife, who I got pregnant. Your dry spells what? Four/five months?
Jay: I Uhh.
Ben: 21 was it? Wow old.
Carlos: Let's stop with this and HEY!! I was 22.
Ben: Sorry.
Jay: Anyway let's get to the dare.

1 hour later

Ben: (enters their bedroom) Hey babe!
Mal: Hi.
Ben: I got a dare.
Mal: Are you supposed to tell me that?
Ben: Yeah, you have to hit me with this (pulls the pie from behind his back)
Mal: Fun.
Ben: What was that?
Mal: Nothing. (gets of bed) Any way (grabs the pie and throws it at Ben) ha that was fun!
Ben: Thank you.

And thank you for reading. Please comment more ideas on here or on my board. Thanks for the idea I appreciate all. I'm loving later to add some random banter/dialogue. Again please comment more ideas thanks and bye for now.

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