Little Red Wulf In The Big Bad H.O.O.D

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She walked through the toy department a packaged candy cane dangling from her teeth her dull grey eyes looked sparked with annoyance as she crouched to poke at the Ferbie display. She pushed her finger in against its soft stomach and leaned away from it, arching her lip in disgust as the toy began to speak and sing.

I snickered and shook my head walking away from her quickly, I had come here to shop and that's what I was going to do. Any ways I needed to find Jassey. I just hoped she hadn't left yet.

I had gotten her message that she was going to be somewhere in the toy isle of this store, But it was a Toys-R-Us. So my frustration at such a useless hint made me growl inwardly. I heard a dull moan-cry and turned around jogging back towards the girl I had been observing with the Candy cane.

My Soldier state of mind clicking back into action, even though I had been laid off the special units team for the shot to my shoulder. I don't know why I felt the need to go back, my curiosity usually was better than this, or maybe I just really didn't want to shop and this was a good excuse. She sat on the floor, a small toddler in her lap.

She glared at the display in front of her and turned soft grey eyes to the boy sobbing in her lap. She pet the top of his head soothingly.

I watched as she rolled the candy cane between her lips and looked around. I ducked back behind a Batman Lego display taking a deep breath, she was looking for somebody? I leaned back into the opening of the isle in time to see her look back down at the toddler and within a heart beat this sweet melodic sound drifted smoothly through the air.

It was a sad soft sound that pulled at early memories from a long long time ago. The song was not in English I knew that much, it was in some dialect of Gaelic. My face creased in a frown and I took a step towards her and stopped. Back away Stryker, She isn't who your here to meet. I needed to find Jassey, she should be here shopping... Somewhere.

"Please stop crying." The woman whispered to the child.

I leaned back down the isle as the child sniffled away the sobs, I smirked at the woman she was only maybe a year younger than my twenty.

"Do you need some help?" I asked giving in, My fiancee would understand.

Suddenly the Candy-Cane girl looked up at me, something flashed in her dull grey eyes as they narrowed at me. I smiled, she had something hidden under her lightly tanned skin. Her eyes grew wide and she was on her feet in a heart beat.

She tossed the now crying toddler at me and ran down the isle dropping her red and white candy cane. Which shattered as it hit the dingy white tiled floor, the plastic came undone sending bits of the candy skittering across the floor.

I frowned feeling my forehead crease in confusion, I looked down at the crying child in my hands and sighed. Who the hell was this kid? And why was he crying in Candy-Canes lap?

My spine stiffened at the familiar sounds of gunshots being fired out front of the store. Followed by a spine chillingly familiar scream. I tucked the Kid in my arms and ran without another thought to the Candy-Cane girl.

The shots had come from the front of the store, I came to find a crowd of terrified mothers, Fathers, Children, and assortments of other staff at the front of the store blocking the exit. I saw the Candy-Cane girl running across the parking-lot with a man dragging her along.

My eyes fixated on the bodies that lay on the cold wet ground as new snow fell from the blank black sky above. It was another Mafia debate gone wrong and so close to Christmas.

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