Chapter 27 ~Red Light~

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Red’s POV

Once the light faded and my eyes adjusted I was greeted by a very clean sheik styled club. It was just how I remembered it. The glass walls had rivers running down them, the floor was transparent with white backdrop illuminated by changed coloured lights.

The ceiling was covered in a varying display of strobe likes and these rounded lights with multiple beams racing along the floor and wall. Some Lycans were on the higher levels looking down into the dance floor. This building was equipped with various rooms, some were hotel fancy others were motel cheap. 

The room you hooked up in depended on your status, here I would get the best room. Even if somebody were in it they would be kicked out and the room would be cleaned and prepared before I even started towards the stairs. It was all a little daunting.

I glanced back at Stryker watching as he analyzed the room his eyes locking on certain exits placed around the main floor. I stepped back against his chest, he leaned down so he was closer.

“This is Under-world, This specific Cave is ordered by a Lycan named Micoi. He’s the man walking down the stairs across the room. He’s an old friend so behave yourself” I said glancing back at him.

He just grinned nodding my head, if my ears could they would be pressed flat against the top of my head shielding my sensitive hearing from this heavy bass tremulous music. But I would suffer through it, I had not made an appointment with Micoi before arrive so he couldn’t have known to turn the bass back for me. 

I watched him attentively from across the room, as if sensing eyes on him his dark army green ones scanned across the room landing on me. They grew wide and he cursed, I grinned taking Strykers hand and pulling him along the metal mesh walkway towards him to meet halfway. 

“You look great for a dead girl” He shouted leaning down next to my face.

I laughed shaking my head, “I’ve been getting that a lot lately”

I heard Stryker growl, I rolled my eyes glancing back at him. He was staring down into the pit where people seemed to morph together moving at such high speeds it was all but a blur. The music was so fast that people couldn’t do anything but move to the vibrating air.

“Who’s this Pup, and what the hell is he doing in my cave?” Micoi snapped pointing at Stryker.

“I’m Her Mate, and I’m making sure she’s safe. Why?” Stryker answered with sly ease.

I smirked and stepped back against his chest, “Is that true Red?” Micoi questioned.

I nodded my head, “Micoi, Stryker” I said smirking at the shocked look on Micois face.

“You better be able to control him, He breaks lose in my cave and I’m taking him out” Micoi snarled glaring at Stryker.

I pressed my hand to Micoi’s chest making him look down at me, “That, Micoi, is not you decision to make. Remember he is my mate”

“I understand, but this is my cave, and I wont have some Pup screwing that up” He growled trying to calm himself.

I nodded my head, “We understand, But I wont screw anything up. I’m here with Red, I wont screw up around her” Stryker said pulling me away from Micoi into the pit.

I stumbled after him, the air around him had changed for a moment and he held the commanding tone of an Alpha. I smiled and pulled on his hand when he stepped into the pit. He turned to look at me a similar smile painting his face. I nodded my head at him and pushed off the last step launching myself at him. His arms wrapped safely around me holding me close, I pressed my forehead to his grinning like mad.

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