Chapter 12 ~Reds Cracked Mask~

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A/N I know its short, only two pages :( Their probably going to be for a while because what happens, happens really quickly so there isnt much to say. Bare with me, Thanks! ~RF


Lil'Red Wulfs POV

Panic collapsed my lungs in my chest cutting off the oxygen, I gripped Strykers hand desperation cracking my outward mask. Webb moved around the infirmary making sure Fate was stable, he hadn’t sustained bad injuries just a nasty bite to the arm. But it would be enough to trigger it, I knew that much. The venom would either kill him or save him, Stryker on the other hand wasn’t doing as well.

His throat had been ripped into, it wasn’t a pretty sight to behold. It frightened me to sit there watching him breathe waiting to see when will his last one will come. I shut my eyes knowing I should have told him, I shouldn’t have hidden anything from him. I pressed his hand to my forehead praying he wouldn’t be killed because he tried to help me. He had to play the hero, he had to save me. He should have just let them drag me off and run like I told him. I wouldn’t have suffered all that bad.

“Red” Webb said softly from behind me, I felt his warm hand rest on my bare shoulder.

I shook my head, my body shaking as a strangled sob escaped my lips. I sat up and looked at Stryker laying defenceless in the bed, when and if he woke up, I wouldn’t tell him. I shouldn’t, it would keep him safer to know nothing more than he needed to know.

“You understand what’s happening now don’t you Webb?” I whispered.

“Yes, I had a feeling after you explained some of it to Fate and I.”

“The only question I have is why it doesn’t affect you?” I asked turning to look at him.

He gave a large smile and nodded his head, “Makes you wonder doesn’t it? Sorry Kiddo, its top secret” He said rubbing my head.

“Do they know?” I asked watching him walk around to check on Stryker.

We had him hooked to an I.V and we were giving him blood transfusion. It had been hours ago, we came running through the doors. I was still soaked and in the ridiculous red dress, I had discarded the heels somewhere. Webb had called Helios to inform him that the plan had been a disaster. We were still waiting for him to come down and scorn us.

“No, Like I said top secret. Even you being who you are, its above your pay grade”

I scowled at him, “I don’t have a pay grade”

Webb chuckled seemly light hearted about the situation we had wedged ourselves into. Why the hell hadn’t they run like I told them to.

“Stryker wont give up, Trust me. He has a mission and he wont stop until he see’s it done”

“I know, I understand everything that is. But its just, Should I have told him before this happened?”

Webb looked up from Stryker and shook his head, “He wouldn’t have believed you, and he would have rejected it immediately. Stryker isn’t one to really believe in that kind of thing” Webb sighed.

I nodded my head, I knew that. When I first saw him I understood that if I told him he wouldn’t believe me and then it would be impossible to work around him. But lying and avoiding him hadn’t proved beneficiary to the situation either.

“What do I do?”

“Keep going with Fates advice, eventually something’s bound to happen. But you just need to keep and open mind about everything” Webb said shrugging his shoulders.

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