Chapter 29 ~The Red Blooded Truth~

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Reds POV

I was beyond pissed off, I wanted to tear Helios a new one for sending them all out like that. Not only that but ordering me to stay behind, I couldn’t even drive them in. Stryker made me promise to stay in his, sorry, Our room until they got back. Apparently none of them trusted Helios anymore, which was the smartest decision any could have made.

I sat curled on the bed watching the door without blinking, rage hammering underneath my skin. My hand tightened on the sheets drawing them up into my fist. If something went wrong, if they got captured. I wouldn’t be able to get to them, I wouldn’t know until it was to late. Especially Stryker, I would receive his body parts piece by agonizing piece in the mail.

Just the thought turned sharp knots in my stomach and sent chills down my spine. I hugged the pillow against my chest taking a deep breath trying to calm myself down. I needed to stay in control of my mind.

If I lost control then that would be the end of it and no matter what I wanted to do Stryker wouldn’t look at me. He had seen me in control of my form twice now, yet he hadn’t run. I bit my bottom lip and smiled into the soft fabric. He wasn’t afraid of me.

My Mate, I had a mate that accepted me, that wanted me. One that sheltered me, that fought for me and he was so kind, he was my knight in shinning armour. He had saved me from my beast, the monster hidden deep inside. I had never been this happy before.

The cell phone on the bedside table started to go off making an annoying vibrating sound as it shuffled over the hard wooden surface. I let out a soft groan uncurling myself from the pillow and reaching up over the headboard to grab it. I looked at the caller I.D. and smiled to myself flipping it open.

“Stryker, What’s up?” I asked sounding far to out of character.

“Get the hell out of there Red” He snarled.

I sat up straight in the bed pushing to my feet at the anger and urgency in his voice, “Stryker what’s happened. Are you alright?” 

I heard him growl on the other end and then the screech of tires, “Red, Helios sent us on a wild goose chase. We’re half way across the city.”

I frowned and rubbed my forehead my shoulders relaxing, “Well then maybe you guys just went to the wrong place”

“Red! Damnit we didn’t go to the wrong location, Helios sent us out here and left you there alone. Something isn’t right”

I scoffed and shook my head, “Everything’s fine Stryker, Helios is out at a business meeting on the south side of the city.”

I held the phone away from my ear as the sound of it being passed, and or grappled for, exploded through the speaker.

“Listen to me, Red you remember how Helios was in the beginning towards you?” Fate hissed.

I nodded my head pacing a circle, “Yeah, he treated me like a wild animal”

“Right, When did his attitude towards you change suddenly?”

I stopped dead in my tracks my blood freezing in my chest, “After you were attacked…”

“Red you need to get out of there now, this isn’t right. Helios is planning something”

I jumped at the sound of the door bouncing off the wall, I turned slowly looking over my shoulder. Helios stood in the doorway his dark black suite sent scouring shadows across the floor, the white light covered his face with matching blackness. 

His white hair and demon black eyes watched me with dark intent. I felt fear, true bone chilling terror seep into every pore of my body. The malicious intent was like smoke choking the oxygen from my lungs.

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