Chapter 28 ~Red Relief~

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Fates POV

I walked out of the gym with a heavy sigh, they hadn’t come back last night and I was worried. Stryker was strong but Lycans could be unpredictable and the demon was hard to control. The door at the right end of the hallway swung open and casual laughs echoed down towards me.

I looked up with a smile as Stryker and Red, dressed in different clothes then they had been yesterday, walked down the hallway their hands entwined. Stryker looked well rested the bags gone from under his eyes, he held himself a little taller as well. 

They both looked up at me and smiled, I waved at them and started walking down the hallway. Red snickered at something Stryker whispered in her ear, she looked genuinely happy. I was glad for her but a hint of regret lingered like bitterness in the back of my throat. She was happy and that’s what mattered.

“Have a good time?” I asked crossing my arms over my chest.

She let out a heavy breath and nodded her head, “He earned Micoi’s acknowledgement as a Beta.” She said proudly her smile was blinding.

I looked up at Stryker and scoffed shaking my head, “Good job, Mission accomplished right?”

They both nodded their heads, “I checked in with Helios yesterday”

I pursed my lips and looked between them, “What have you two been doing since then?” I questioned narrowing my eyes.

“Basic urges” Stryker said with a large grin.

I laughed turning away from them, “Naturally, well Helios is having Webb, You and I go on another retrieval mission so go and get your shit” I said walking away.

I could feel Reds sudden aggression spark the air with a dry tightness, “What?” she hissed.

“Red relax” I whispered.

“Damnit, he said he was done stealing things from them” She growled.

I turned around to look at her, “Listen, we’ve done this a million times before. Now isn’t any different.”

Her eyes narrowed and she took a step towards me, “This is different Fate, you two don’t pass for human anymore. They’ll know, they will be able to smell you if not feel that you aren’t human. You wont even make it into the front lobby” She shouted anger flaming her dark grey eyes.

“Ya but we stand a better chance of surviving now” I shot back watching her eyes narrow dangerously.

“Everybody relax, Listen Red this is our job. We do this all the time, we have never made in and out with ease. We’ll just find a new way to get in and out now” Stryker said glancing at me as he tried to reason with her.

“They’ll be going after you now, and if something happens…”

he grabbed her face stopping her mid sentence, “Nothing, nothing will happen. Red believe me. Trust Fate and Webb, trust me” he begged.

Her shoulders fell and she dropped her head forward against his chest. She glanced at me and smiled warmly mouthing ‘thank you’. I nodded my head and turned away from them, They seemed to be getting along a lot better now. I was glad for her, she seemed to be a little happier now that her secret was no longer a secret.

I walked into the War room pausing in the doorway before shaking my head and walking in. Webb sat at the table glaring into space. He snapped to attention as I walked past him.

“They back?” He asked.

“Yeah, Looks like it was a successful mission” I sighed.

Webb smirked and pushed to his feet, “We promised to help her, and we will Fate.” 

I paused and looked over at him giving a warm smile, “I know, I just hope what we’re doing is the right thing” I sighed.

“Why would you say that?”

“I don’t know, I just get this bad feeling.” I muttered rubbing the back of my neck.

Webb’s face creased in concern and he moved closer lowering his head next to mine, “In the end who’s side are you on?” He asked me.

My spine stiffened and I glared over at him, “Reds” I hissed under my breath.

He smiled and patted my shoulder with his large hand, “Good, because I wouldn’t be able to look at you otherwise. We’re honourable men here Fate, we don’t get the girl. We just save her” He said walking out into the hallway I had left Stryker and Red in a moment ago.

I glanced over my shoulder watching him walk down the hallway, he wasn’t bothered at all by the fact that Stryker held her so close. His lips lingering inches from her, In my head I didn’t think he was right for her. He had treated her horridly for so long. He had said such hurtful things to her, but that’s not what made the sickening twisting knot in my stomach. 

That was Helios. I didn’t trust him, even when I agreed to be on this team I didn’t trust Helios. But now, after witnessing everything he did to her, the way he treated her like an animal. Something just didn’t fit in this puzzle and I wanted to find out what. I had promised to protect Red and make sure she stayed happy, I would keep that promise even if my life had to be sacrificed. Her smile wouldn’t fade.

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