Chapter 8 ~Red Stained Lips~

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Stryker's POV

The tension in the room escalated quickly, thickening the air with electricity. The aggression and violence that threatened to snap everybody was heavy in the glares passed around between Helios and Red. Was she insane? She slid from the bed only a small wince creasing her bruised and bloodied face as she turned to face Helios fully. Her shoulders square and her face icy calm, I felt a chill run down my spine at the sub-zero temperature that she emitted. I watched the muscles bunch in her arm as she stared down Helios.

“You were given fair warning Helios, That this wouldn’t be as easy as you thought” She said with a dark resolve to prove those words right.

A dry smile cracked his face and he let out a warm laugh, slamming his ivory cane onto the floor making everyone jump except for Red. She remained still and deadly like a statue, I felt my entire body tighten. This wasn’t natural, she was trying to get Helios angry. My hands tightened on the gauze I had yet to wrap her in, the blood was drying on her pale skin flaking in some spots. It looked wet in others showing where recent damage had been dealt to. To think that she was able to stand, the level of pain she must be experiencing is unimaginable. We didn’t even know the extent of the damage Nyoka did to her.

Helios took a step forward and I fought not to take a reactionary step backwards. She stood tall ready to take anything on, I had to admire her for that but still, she was an idiot for this. She had to have a death wish.

“I was warned properly, and remember my response Rhedella?” he asked leaning closer.

She growled at him, a deep rattling growl that sounded more animal than human. Her right hand come up and wrapped around her own neck tightening as she growled. Helios just chuckled and nodded his head as if agreeing with something she said, his one hand disappeared into his pocket and moments later Red dropped to her knee’s. My eyes went wide as now both her hands wrapped tightly around her thin neck, her mouth open in a silent scream as her spine bowed.

“Sit girl” I looked up at Helios, his deadpan voice matched his icy cold black eyes.

He glared down at her with such frozen hatred that it made me shake in my place. I was about to step forward when a blur raced past me stepping between Helios and Red. I looked up at the Back of Webb who stood firmly between them. It didn’t do anything to stop her strangled cries of pain as what ever Helios had started to do to her continued. I moved forward towards her kneeling down next to her and removing her hands from around her slender throat. She shook with the pain that Helios was causing her. I very gently ran my fingers along her throat looking for anything that would give insight as to whys he clutched at it so desperately when he hurt her.

The I felt it and my chest tightened at the thin strap that had been blended into her skin. It was a shock collar, he had put a shock collar on a human being. I looked up at Helios and glared at him from around Webbs imposing frame.

“Is she alright?” Webb growled his hands tightening into white knuckled fists.

I swallowed the disgust at what Helios had done to this woman, I shook my head coughing out a breath.

“No, it’s a shock collar” I hissed slowly slipping my finger between the band and her actual skin.

She shuddered out a gasp as I grabbed it, I could feel the sharp sting and stab of the electrical volts shooting from the flat material into my hand and numbing my entire arm. This was to high of a voltage for an animal much less a human. What was Helios thinking? With a dark growl I gritted my teeth and felt the band snap. It fell away from her and lay on the floor the inside sparked with live volts that seconds ago had run down her spine and seized up her throat choking her while it caused her vast amounts of pain.

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