Chapter 20 ~Remember The Red Hunt~

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Red's POV


In the beginning, I was the driver for the underground Black market dealer known as Hunter. He dealt in classified matters, matters I couldn’t really care about. What I did care about was my job, and what I had to get from place A to place B. That was Hunter, that’s all I cared about. That’s all I really needed, the guy saved my life and I owed him. But it all went deeper than that, much deeper. Hunter owned me, and I didn’t doubt that he would use that one day. I just didn’t expect him to try and use it so soon.

I ran up the stairs the guns could have been smoking if they hadn’t been coated in blood. I had run out of bullets halfway in the building, Hunter was up here somewhere. Stupid asshole never knew when to run away, I growled to myself, this would be the last damn time I came to his rescue. I sighed inwardly as my feet clanged on the metal stairs, I would come to his rescue next time as well. I knew I would, I had to. I kept him happy and he kept me happy, he was my lover and I wouldn’t leave him to rot.

“Hey You!” I spun around and looked down the stairs a chubby, he was red in the face his three chins expanding with each heavy breath he took.

He raised his gun to me and fired, his heavy breath tilting his aim to the left. The bullet nicked the iron railing and bounced off somewhere, I dropped to the ground and covered my head with my arms. What was this idiot doing? He was going to get both of us killed, I cursed silently under my breath and turned crawling up the stairs slowly moving back into standing position. Bullets whizzed by my head just missing me by a hair, this was far too close for comfort. I needed cover and fast.

I reached the halfway platform and looked around for anything that could help me. My heart sank, there was nothing. I looked back down at the man lumbering his way up towards me, the dank smell of his sweat filling the small twisting stairwell. The musty smell from the wet concrete, mixing with the dull and dirty colours that painted the hallway, to match with the old metal stairs. I was surprised Hunter had even entered this place.

I looked down at the two guns in my hands and back up at the heavily breathing man, I dropped my head back my shoulders slumping as I flailed my arms back and forth. I didn’t want to bash his head in, I liked these guns. With a soft moan and jumped back down the stairs taking him by surprise. His dark brown eyes bulged out of his bald head and his face went purple. He dropped his gun and I watched curiously holding the gun ready to bash him in with it, but he just went stiff and fell backwards rolling down the stairs. I stood up straight and looked at the guns in my hand, I kinda felt like donkey Kong now.

Anybody else coming up those stairs would find themselves in a very awkward place. I shrugged my shoulder crouching down to pick up his discarded weapon; I popped the clip out the bottom and looked at the rounds left. Pursing my lips and giving a leisurely shrug to my shoulders I tapped it and popped it back into place. I tucked it into the waist band of my pants pulling the blouse down over top of it. I turned and jumped back up the metal steps towards the top room where Hunter was being held.

Finally making to the top room had been easy enough for me, it was locks I wasn’t so good with. And this room had a lot of locks on it, which made me pout. I kicked the door feebly with my toe and frowned. How was I supposed to get inside of this place? I pulled out the gun from my waist band replacing it with one of the other guns, I checked the chamber and smirked to myself, fatso down there had this thing loaded and ready to go and yet he hadn’t fired a full clip at me while we were moving. I sighed closing my eyes, poor fat guy.

I didn’t understand why some of the Mafias hire the fat guys, they couldn’t run far, they couldn’t really do much except for be there. I raised the gun lining up the sight with the first dead bolt lock, in a quick succession I blew each lock away with a one bullet each. I leaned back raising my right leg and kicked forward with my heel. The door flew open hitting off the wall and slowly moving back to close, The room it opened up into was windowless, and the only source of light was from a single bare bulb that hung over Hunters lowered head.

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