Chapter 13 ~Reds Repercussions~

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A/N I know, short again. Dont hate me.... But this is all you need to know for now.                                                                                                ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Fates POV

Screaming, that’s what woke me from my semi-sleeping state. Choking sobbing screams filled agony and pain. Shrill spine bowing cries for help, begging for the pain to cease. Crashes, glass shattering, the barked orders of guards. Something had happened.

“Stryker!” That voice, belonged to Red.

The terror in that one word as she screamed in desperation, Even if I couldn’t see her face I knew something was wrong. I knew something hurt her, she screamed again as I dipped back into unconsciousness but only for a while.

It was a flurry of chaos in the room, I could barely move much less open my eyes to see what made that horrid screeching noise. The air seemed to shake with each ragged breath drawn in, only to be pushed out in an agonizing scream that stretched on for what seemed like ever. I didn’t know what was happening. I desperately wanted to see, was I still in the alley? Or was I dead? They were possibilities, but Red wouldn’t have let me die like that. I knew her, well knew her well enough now, there were still parts she kept hidden. Parts that I knew caused this pain in her voice, that made her hesitant.

“Sedate her!” fear shot through my heart, the only her that lived here was Red.

What had she done? Something happened to Stryker, I remembered that much. I focused past the blurring barked orders, her terrorized screams, Webbs loud comforts, the smashing of glass. It was noise that chilled my blood, I could hear the consistent blear of a flat line. A loud crash followed by a blood curdling scream shocked me making my body react. I jumped in the bed my eyes snapping open the jolt to my system was enough to bring me up from the nothingness where I had drifted. I stared at the ceiling unsure of what was happening still. Suddenly the room dropped into a dead silence, the screams stopped, the orders stopped, and the flat line went dead. The door closed signalling that she had left the room, I heard a heavy sigh followed by distant muttering.

“Damnit!” Webb shouted, the sound of his fist hitting something made the worry tighten in my chest.

“That dumb ass, what the hell was she thinking” He muttered.

I closed my eyes, what had Red done? I listened to somebody begin to cough and sputter gasping for breath.

“Stryker!” Webb hissed.

“Where the hell am I?” Stryker coughed.

“Med Ward, You and Fate were beat to shit. Red and I barely managed to get you guys out” Webb sighed sounding relieved.

Red… Webb wasn’t telling Stryker something, which meant he was hiding something from me. I didn’t like that. I wanted to know what he was hiding, I had a sneaking suspicion it was related to Red. Most of the time it was.

“Hey you’re awake” I blinked and looked up at Webbs smiling face.

I scowled back at him showing how un-amused I was at this situation, his eyes darkened acknowledging the fear that something had happened to Red. The bed shifted a soft whirring noise drifted up to me as I was propped up. My lungs expanded fully making my head spin, I coughed weakly shaking my head. My mouth was dry and I was still wet, I remembered the rain from the alley. So we hadn’t been here for that long.

“What happened?” I croaked my voice dry.

Webb smirked and handed me a small plastic cup filled thankfully with water.

I went to lift my right hand to take it and found nothing happened, I looked down finding it bandaged heavily in white gauze. I raised an eyebrow looking back up at Webb, he shook his head handing the cup to my left hand instead.

“What the hell attacked us in the Alley?” Stryker grumbled, I glanced over at him watching as he massaged his forehead.

“Don’t know, couldn’t see. What ever happened Red saved our asses” Webb muttered running his hand through his light brown hair.

“Where is Red?” Stryker hissed looking around the room.

“She’s… She’s being detained, something’s occurred and now she’s dealing with the repercussions” Webb growled his hands curling into fists, I caught him glaring openly at Stryker who was oblivious.

“Hell, I need to go and talk to her” Stryker murmured pushing away from the bed.

His shirt had been removed, leaving his dark blue jeans as the only piece of clothing on. His pale chest showed no signs of damage, all his scars had vanished. My eyes went wide, how was that possible. Stryker, was healed…

“Like hell you do, she’s done enough for today. Talk to her later” Webb snapped angrily.

Stryker paused rubbing the back of his head, he looked up at Webb confusion playing across his face and filling his crisp blue eyes.

“What the hell? Webb why are you so pissed at me?” He asked dropping his hands to his sides.

I sipped at my water watching curiously, this could get good very very soon.

“Because, you fucked up!” Webb shouted the veins in his forehead showing.

I choked on the water, “What! Wait what’s going on, she’s alright isn’t she?”

Webb stiffened and dropped his head, “She’s under lock down, because she had to save Strykers life” Webb snarled glaring at Stryker who had frozen in place.

“She saved my life?”

“What do you think, she looks out for all of us. Since the beginning, and damnit today was the last straw. She nearly lost everything saving your life” Webb grumbled shouldering past Stryker, “Leave her alone, that’s what she wants right now. Until she’s back to normal, she wants us to stay away from her”

“Red” I whispered my hands tightening on the cup crushing it spilling water onto my lap.

I shut my eyes tightly, she had taken my advice to far. I didn’t want her to destroy herself in the process of letting Stryker see the real her. I just wanted her to open up a little bit to him, like she had at the Dinner, and when he took her out in the snow. Those had been good moments, but this. What ever she had done to herself was bad enough to drudge up such wild emotions from Webb, something bad had happened and he was hiding it from us.

I wanted to know so badly it hurt but she wanted us to stay away from her. I understood what that meant and I would stay away from her. I glanced at Stryker who stood frozen his blue eyes darkening like a lake before the storm. He walked over to the bed and sat back down on the edge resting his arms on his thighs. I watched the muscles ripple up and down his arms signalling his anger, I sighed closing my eyes.

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