Chapter 9 ~Red Snowmen~

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Stryker's POV

I glanced outside my window and grimaced at the blinding light of snow, this was the least of my worries though. The past week had been hectic, just one thing after another. It was like Helios didn’t want to give us a moment to rest. It didn’t make it any easier on Webb and me when two of our members were grounded.

Wulf was on probation and Fate was still in the infirmary with a broken arm and some broken ribs, with some hairline fractures to go along with the deep bruises and cuts. He had been pretty beaten up; the poisoning had made him hover in something like a comatose state for a couple days. But he had come out in tact and sane, which was all we could ask for.

I stepped from my room closing my door behind me; I frowned at the strange sound that drifted down the hallway.

But baby its cold out there, I really must go…’ That song... was disturbed on so many levels.

It sent shivers down my spine, it sounded perverse and wrong in my head. Why did people like that song? I glanced back and felt my eyes widen, it was coming from Wulfs room. Her door was open a crack which was odd considering how much she valued her privacy. I walked down the hallway tucking my hands in my pockets.

I nudged her door open and tried to hide my surprise at the state of her room. She sat on her bed her lips pursed in frustration as she cut at a folded piece of paper; there were hundreds of paper snowflakes dangling from her ceiling. Whistled and she looked up at me for a moment before going back to cutting furiously.

“I take it you like snow” I said stepping into the room.

She set the scissors down and unfolded her new snowflake her face brightening with joy as it unfolded into an elegantly crafted snowflake. She glanced at me again her eyes growing sad for a moment.

“Wouldn’t know, I’ve never actually seen snow” She whispered.

My jaw dropped and I looked towards where her window should have been, had it been removed? Or had there never been a window in this room in the first place. I scowled and moved towards her, I felt a little awkward after seeing Webb and her kissing, but I had avoided her as much as humanly possible. Now that she would actually talk to me like I was a human being and not a brick in a wall, I didn’t mind talking to her.

“You’ve never seen the snow?” I asked her sitting down on the edge of her bed.

She shook her head, “Where I grew up I wasn’t allowed outside at all. Then after I got away from there I still was hidden during the winter.” She murmured.

I smiled and shook my head; she had indirectly shared with me. She looked up at me her face creasing in a scowl as she realised what she had just done.

“Aren’t you avoiding me because Webb kissed me?” she hissed looking back down at her snowflake.

My spine stiffened and I glared at her, “Are you and Webb together?” I asked bluntly.

She snickered and shook her head, “No. You’ve probably noticed how fast I heal right?” she asked waving to her perfectly healed body.

I nodded my head remembering how bloody, bruised, and beaten she had been a week ago.

“In order for me to do that I needed energy. I don’t have enough myself to do that. So Webb was helping. That’s all that was Stryker” She laughed shaking her head.

My frown deepened, she expected me to believe that. I sighed dropping my head, what ever it was better then her being with Webb… Why I found that thought comforting I didn’t know.

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