Chapter 2 ~Riding With Red~

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A week she had been here, a week and we knew as much as we did the day she got here. Her name is Rhedella Wulf, aka Lil’Red. Call her Rhedella and she’ll kill you. She is our new driver, she has spent the last three days leading up to our new assignment locked in her room, and she hasn’t eaten. We are pretty sure she hasn’t slept, she just locked herself away. I sat at the table with Fate and Webb in an awkward silence, damn this was annoying. I wanted to yell at her but I couldn’t, She avoided us like the plague. I looked up at Fate and Webb, Nobody knew what to do and if she didn’t get out here we would have to leave without her.

I sighed heavily running my hands through my black hair tugging on it, So many things had gone wrong. Eating felt awkward because she would sit as far away from us as possible, she wouldn't acknowledge us when we tried to speak with her. She wasn’t trying to get to know us, It was like she was purposefully trying to keep us away. I didn’t like that idea, but when ever I got near her it felt like I would freeze to death. Her eyes were so dull and almost dead, her face was always emptied of emotions. Everyday was the same routine, she would get up dressed, showered, and looking just as frozen as ever. She barely ate anything, half the time she would just sit there and poke at it like it was going to move.

That wasn't everything though, she couldn't possibly be human. She had healed perfectly the sling was gone along with all the bandages. It was unearthly to be near her now. Wulf had some secrets about her and she was doing a damn good job about keeping them hidden. I mean if Fate couldn't find anything then she obviously didn't exist, yet we could see her. She was as real as the next person but I doubted she was human, maybe an alien. Even though I didn't't believe in that it was the only explanation my mind could muster.

It was half an hour before Helios wanted us out to get this job done. He had it planned out perfectly so we would get in and out right on time. To be honest we had spent so much time thinking about what pushed her to join up with us that we hadn’t even thought about a plan. We were going in blank and hoping for the best. So in short we were boned.

“Should somebody go and check on her” Fate asked, breaking the awkward silence.

Since she had been here we felt almost afraid to speak, we didn’t know when or where she was going to show up. It was almost like we were living with a wild animal and the minute we made noise she would leap at our throats.

“Great idea, see you in hell” Webb moaned dropping his head onto the table top.

“She isn’t that bad” I hissed.

They both look up at me like I had lost my mind, I sighed and ran my hand through my hair tugging on it tightly.

“Okay she’s that bad” I whispered, nodding my head.

“I have to admit I’m a little worried about her. I don’t think bringing her onto the team in the condition she is in was a good idea. I looked at the medical report, her shoulder was dislocated, her arm was broken, she had four broken ribs, stab wound to the abdomen, and a shot to the back.” Fate hissed out a breath and closed his brown eyes in frustration.

“Shouldn’t she be dead?” I asked him a frown creasing my forehead.

“But she isn’t, I mean. That and we don’t know much about her, why she’s here or what happened to her. She's dead, but not... Maybe she has a really good immune system, or... I dont know” Fate sighed heavily suddenly failing to put together a proper sentence that actually made sense. It was a new thing to witness from our genius; she had seriously fucked up our team.

We used to be carefree and enjoy this job, now its almost like we're dancing on broken glass. One wrong step and we would go down, and we all knew how dangerous it would be if one of us went down. Helios must have lost his mind when he got the idea to bring her onto the team with us. She wasn't suited for this type of job, she obviously didn't understand how to work in groups so why was she here?

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