Alternative ending

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this you and harumi ;) ^^


just so you dont get confused: this chapter takes place after you were rejected by saiki after confessing to him in chapter 14. you already texted Harumi the news and she's on her way to your house to comfort you.

hope you enjoy :)

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After Harumi ended the text conversation with you, she wasted no time in sprinting out of the house. The only thing she grabbed was her mom's credit card. She didn't really care at the moment, she would deal with her mother's yelling later.

She ran as fast as she could. It wasn't that fast, considering she wasn't an olympic runner. She stopped by a shop that was on the way to your house. She quickly walked in, grabbed a basket and made her way to the aisle that consisted of snacks and sweets.

Harumi scanned through the food and picked out all of your favorite sweets and snacks. She then went to your favourite drink. The basket was starting to get really heavy, but she didn't mind.

As she was thinking of what else could cheer you up, she spotted some familiar pink hair. She glared at him and walked away from him, while also cursing at him in her head.

She walked over to toys. 'Maybe a cute plushie could cheer her up,' she thought as she scanned through the toys and stuffed animals that were neatly seated on the shelves. "Go for it," she suddenly heard a voice and jumped.

Once she turned to her side and saw Saiki standing there, she calmed down a bit. But then she got angry again. "What do you mean?" she spat out, not wanting to talk to him.

"Get her a plushie and comfort her. You really are the best for her," Saiki said as he handed Harumi a plushie that he knew you would like and walked away. Harumi started blushing a little because of his words.

'Did he know? Was it obvious?' multiple questions were racing through her head. She decided to brush it off and headed to the cash register. The cashier started scanning all the products and Harumi slightly grimaced at how high the price was getting.

After she paid, she put all of the food and the plushie along with some other small toys she decided to also buy in two bags. She couldn't really run now because of the two bags that were holding her back. Now she had time to think over the situation she was in.

She always had a bit of a crush on you and recently that crush was growing, but she was pushing her feelings aside and ignoring them because she wanted you to be happy. Harumi really was selfless. You always came first for her.

She was already at your house. She rang the doorbell and soon your mom showed up and opened the gate and door for Harumi. As Harumi was taking off her shoes, she noticed that your mom was staring at her with a soft smile.

"You really care for her, huh?" she quietly asked. Harumi was a bit taken aback by the question, but was quick to respond with a nod and a bright smile. Your mom's smile grew as she watched Harumi head up the stairs to your room.

She kicked the door open and stood in a weird pose and shouted, "Worry not, because i am here!" She saw your face light up. "All might?!" you squealed and she walked in the room so you could see her.

She had two bags in her hands and was a bit tired because how heavy they were, but you didn't seem to notice. Instead you pouted. "Stop looking so dissappointed!" Harumi said and you laughed a bit.

She then pulled out a tub of ice-cream and watched as a big smile spread across your face. She also handed you a spoon to eat with. You happily opened it and started eating it.

"Do you want me to come over there and cuddle with you?" "YES!!!" she asked and you violently nodded. She chuckled and got in your bed next to you.

She put her arms around you to cuddle with you. You pressed space so the anime could continue, so you both could watch it. You slowly ate your ice-cream and melted into Harumi's arms.

She completely took your mind off of Saiki and made you feel a million times better. "Can i just marry you instead?" you asked and Harumi felt her heart skip a beat. She quickly laughed and ruffled your head to cover up the small silence.

"Only if you get over Saiki," Harumi said. She meant it, once you would be over Saiki, she would welcome you with open arms. You hummed and pouted, feeling dissappointed.

You put the tub of ice-cream on the bedside table and put your arms around Harumi so you could be closer to her and get better cuddles. You had no idea how much Harumi freaked out over that action. She was happy your head was laying on her chest, so you couldn't see her eyes widen and cheeks go red.

After some time, Harumi thought you fell asleep, so she began playing with your hair and inhaling your amazing smell of coziness. "Now that i think about it, you're much better than Saiki," you suddenly spoke, scaring her.

After she wasn't focused on the fact that you were awake, she instead repeated the words you said in her head. Her cheeks grew hot again. "Oh, are you asleep?" you questioned since she didn't respond. She freaked out a bit and decided that she would fake being asleep.

You slowly brought your head up to look at Harumi. Her eyes were closed and she looked peaceful. Harumi guessed that you were too tired to notice that up until you started talking again, she was playing with your hair. You slowly examined Harumi.

You had never gotten to closely look at her and take in all of her features. Her long eyelashes resting on her eyes. Her crooked nose. Her full and plump lips. Her long beautiful hair. Her small pimples that were spread out across her face, they looked like strawberry freckles. All of her features were beautiful. She was ethereal in your eyes. Her chest rising as she breathed in. How did you not notice her beauty earlier?

As you looked at her more and more, there was a small feeling forming in your stomach. It was similar to when you started developing feelings for Saiki. Except this time, they were a bit stronger. You thought over all of the times she was there for you and the feeling in your stomach only grew more. How did you not notice that she was always there?

How did you not notice all of this earlier? She was the best person you knew. She was perfect in your eyes. Not a single flaw about her. You brought your hand up and caressed her cheek. She unknowingly let a small smile show.

After you were done admiring her, you laid your head back on her chest. In response, she laid a quick kiss on the top of your head. The both of smiled. She brought you closer to her with her arms.

It may have been too fast, but your feelings for Saiki were quickly being replaced by feelings for Harumi. You didn't really mind though. This felt more right. It felt as if she really was the one for you and you were the one for her.

That night, the both of you fell asleep in each other's arms and comfort while the soft and quiet sound of anime still playing on your computer was in the background.

This felt right. Like a puzzle, you fit each other well.

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so that was the special chapter for all the Harumi simps

sorry i went a little overboard on describing Harumi. im a bisexual with a preference for women so i couldnt hold back lol

anyways, thank you for reading!! take care of yourselves and remember that i love all of you <3

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