13 : New job

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god, i love Saiki so fucking much. wish he was real :((

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You were sitting in class, waiting for the next lesson to start. You were bored out of your mind.

'If only Rumi was here,' you sighed. You had come up with a new nickname for Harumi.

As if reading your mind, the classroom doors opened and Harumi appeared. "Heyyyy, (n/n)."

Some classmates still stared at you when she came to visit you. It didn't bother you as much as it did before.

'Rumi's confidence must have rubbed off on me a bit,' you gave Harumi a big smile, feeling better already. "Heyyy, Rumi."

"Why didn't you come visit me? I was bored out of my mind," "I was too lazy" she complained while pouting like a child.

"I was also bored out of my mind," you said while yawning. "You could've at least came to visit me. I'm the one always coming to your classroom!"

"I don't want to move unless i need to," you were slightly annoyed by her complaining, but you already grew accustomed to it.

"You're just really lazy!" she stated the obvious. "Tell me something i don't know," you chuckled a bit at your own bad joke.

"Saiki has a crush on you~," she said lowly while smirking. Your cheeks immediately blew and you stood up. "W-what?! T-that's not t-true!" you exclaimed a bit too loud.

Everyone was now looking at you. You sat down feeling embarrassed. You leaned in closer to Harumi. "That's not true!" you whisper-shouted.

"Who knows~. Maybe it is true~. Maybe not," she was still smirking while teasing you. "S-shut up," you muttered quietly.

She laughed at you. "I'm feeling a lot better now, talking to you," she genuinely smiled at you. 'Where was she all my life?'

"Me too," you smiled back at her, "Oh! I forgot to tell you. I talked to Chisato and she can get us a new job at this cafe called 'Cafe Mami'"

"Really! That's great news! Thank you," she hugged you. You obviously returned the hug. "Wait. Us?" she asked when she backed up.

"Yup. I'm also going to work there. I am in need of money," you rubbed the back of your neck. Harumi's smile widened, if that was even possible.

"That's even better! I'm not going to be working alone," she kept her smile. 'How are her cheeks not hurting from smiling so much?'

"So when are we starting our job?" "Today" she asked, feeling excited. "Chill, we haven't had our interviews yet."

"I'm pretty sure we'll both get the job. I mean look at us! We're beauties!" she exclaimed and that earned a chuckle out of you.

"I don't think that's how getting a job works. I'm pretty sure you need to have skill," you reminded her. "Oh, shut up! I have skill!"

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever helps you sleep at night," you smirked. 'Haha! Revenge for teasing me!'

She growled and attempted to attack you, but you were saved by the bell. "Come on now. You have to get to class," you grinned evilly.

"Shut up," she stormed out of class. "Seeya!" you shouted after her. 'I swear that girl has fifty different personalities.'

- - -

"Yes!" you and Harumi both exclaimed. You had got the job. You both nailed the interview.

"Leeet's fuckinnng goooooo!" Harumi shouted and you laughed. "Wooooooo!" you shouted back, feeling the energy.

When the door opened and your boss walked in, you both immediately shut up. 'I'm not getting fired on my first day of the job.'

"Here are your uniforms," he handed them to you. "You both start your first shift after you get changed."

You had both changed and looked at each other and yourselves. "Lookin' goood," Harumi was feeling herself.

"Yeah, let's get to work and get that money," you motivated yourself and Harumi. "Yeah, let's do this," you both walked out and officially started your shifts.

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Saiki was contemplating whether or not to go inside. He wanted to eat coffee jelly, but he knew you were there.

'As long as she's not my waitress, i'll be fine,' he tried reasoning with himself and was hoping god was on his side, this one time. But who are we kidding, he never was.

He walked in and sat down, waiting for a waitress or waiter to come and take his order. 'Please don't be her,' he was chanting in his head.

There was this feeling in his stomach, that told him luck wasn't on his side. That feeling was right. You showed up to his table.

"Good grief, not you," he couldn't help but say what he was thinking out loud. "Haaah?! What's that supposed to mean?!" you were quite offended, but still felt flustered seeing him.

"Nothing," he responded, trying to not make you mad, so you wouldn't make a scene. "Come one now. Don't be a pussy, say what you were thinking," you didn't know where this confidence came from.

'Wait. Does that mean he hates me?! I knew it! I'm dumb! How stupid can i be? Fuck, calm down, calm down!' in reality, you were freaking out.

"A-anyways, what are you o-ordering?" your voice cracked a bit. Your confidence went as fast as it appeared.

'Stop! Don't start crying over a stupid thing like this! Don't even tear up,' you were still trying to calm yourself down.

"Coffee jelly," he honestly felt regret for making you sad. 'Maybe she will stop liking me?' he tried to tell himself, but something in him didn't feel right.

"What would you like?" "You ;)" he suddenly asked. 'Good grief, why did i do that? Wait, why did she answer like that?' he felt a bit flustered at your subconscious answering the question, and so did you.

"W-why does it m-matter what i want?" you asked him, confused. "Good grief, take a small break and eat with me," you blushed more and looked at the floor.

'I do feel a bit tired. I've been working for some time, and i won't complain if i'm being offered food and a break,' you looked up from the floor, which you were looking at. "O-okay, i'll be back."

You came back with two coffee jellies and ate with Saiki. You talked a bit, but were focusing more on the food. It was so good.

Meanwhile Harumi watched you two from the other side of the cafe. "Lovebirds," she muttered quietly and went back to work.

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