27 : Cockroach

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It was the weekend once again. All of the days were really similar. It felt like a chore to get trough them.

You also felt like there was going to be no progress with Kusuo. He was a tough nut to crack.

You laid in your bed, not really wanting to do anything that wasn't related to Kusuo in any way. You wanted to go annoy him, but you didn't really wanna move so you stayed in bed.

You continued to think about nothing. You had put on your sad playlist. You were getting really bored. It felt as if you had already thought about every possible thing.

You sat up and decided to go annoy Kusuo, even though 5 minutes ago you had decided not to. You grabbed your phone and pressed pause on whatever song was playing.

You knew all you were going to do wad sit in his room, so you were going to pick out a comfortable outfit. Meaning Kusuo's (f/c) sweater and comfortable but stylish black sweatpants with a snake on it.

You looked in the mirror and decided that a little makeup won't hurt. You drew on eyeliner that you liked and felt proud that it turned out really well.

You grabbed your phone and headed downstairs. "Where are you off to?" "To visit my future husband" your mom asked appearing behind you.

You turned around. "To Kusuo's house," you answered truthfully. "Are you going to annoy him?" she slightly smirked already knowing the answer. You nodded with an innocent smile.

"I don't know how he tolerates you," she sighed with a smile. "I have no idea either," your mom then started laughing and you chuckled a little.

"Have fun, bye!" she waved you off, going back into the living room to watch a news show with your dad. "Bye," you turned back around and went to put your shoes on.

They were simple doc marten boots. You put on your long black coat and stepped outside the house. It was calmly snowing. You breathed in the fresh air and started walking to Kusuo's house.

It was already in view since you lived really close by. Seeing as there was no Teruhashi outside his house this time, you smiled with relief. You pressed the doorbell and waited.

'Open the door or i'm going to throw rocks trough your window, you dumb whore,' you thought after waiting a little longer. "Good grief," was all you needed to hear to understand that he was coming.

The door soon opened, revealing Kusuo who looked a bit annoyed. You smiled at him and waved, "Yahoo!" You walked in and took off your shoes and coat.

"What's with the weird new greeting?" "Shut up you hot bitch" Kusuo asked and rolled his eyes after hearing your subconscious. "I just wanted to try something new," you smiled at him.

"Whatever," he rolled his eyes and started walking to the kitchen. You followed him, looked around and took in every detail since you hadn't done that before. It was nothing special, but it was still nice.

It looked as if Kusuo was cleaning up the kitchen. "Want me to help?" you offered and he looked at you and squinted his eyes. "Just don't mess anything up," he turned around and returned to recycling the trash.

You decided to get to work, grabbing a broom and sweeping the floor. This was definitely something new. You never thought that you would be cleaning Kusuo's kitchen with him.

After some time, you both had ended your tasks. You were standing next to each other, looking over the jobs you had done. Suddenly you felt Kusuo stiffen beside you and then jump back.

You turned around to look at him and he looked really terrified. You didn't want to turn back around and see the thing that made him so scared. Your curiosity got the best of you so you turned around, following Kusuo's gaze.

You spotted a cockroach. You sceamed out of instinct, you didn't really like bugs either. You grabbed the first thing that was on the counter. Luckily for you it was newspaper.

You rolled it up and started aggressively hitting the cockroach with it over and over again while yelling. It continued on like that for 10 more seconds.

Once you felt like it was dead, you stopped and moved your hand out of the way. It was definitely dead, completely squished. "Ew," you said outloud with a face of disgust.

You turned around to look at Kusuo only to see him with stars in his eyes looking at you. He bowed slightly, showing his gratitude. "Uhh," you weren't sure what to say.

"You are my hero," he said, still looking at you with stars in his eyes. It took some time for those words to process in your head. "Huh?!" once they had really processed you were really confused.

You thought over the whole situation again and realized that Kusuo was that terrified of a tiny cockroach. You bursted out laughing, tears in your eyes. "You're afraid of bugs?!" you pointed at him, still laughing.

He no longer looked amazed. "Good grief. Shut up," he rolled his eyes and slightly hit you on the head as to not hurt you. He started thinking really hard about what he said and how he looked when you had saved him. He sighed, knowing he must have looked really dumb.

You were still laughing, also hitting your leg from time to time. You then fell to the ground, still laughing. You started kicking around your legs. There were tears streaming down your face from crying so much.

Your stomach hurt and you started to have trouble breathing so you stopped laughing. You stood up, grabbing onto the nearest thing to steady yourself. That thing happened to be Kusuo.

"Sorry," you apologized to him, breathing heavily. Your eyeliner was ruined from the tears. You looked like a mess. Kusuo helped you stand up, grabbing both of your elbows to keep you steady.

He looked at your tear-stained face. He took one hand and moved it to your face, wiping the tears off. He wad still holding your elbow with the other hand.

You looked into his eyes trough his glasses. He then put his hand on your cheek, wiping the remaining tears with his thumb. You melted into his hand. His eyes finally looked into your (e/c) eyes.

You felt as if you were on cloud nine. You had no idea were this sudden affection came from and you were really confused. You also felt hot from being this close to Kusuo.

His eyes flickered down to your lips and then back up at your eyes. As if suddenly he realized what he was doing, he started blushing and jumped back.

You both were left standing there really confused on what had just happened. "Uhm," you started, avoiding looking at him, "I think i'm gonna go home." Out of the corner of your eye, you saw that he nodded.

You walked to his door, quickly putting on your shoes and coat. Before you opened the door, you hesitantly looked back at him. Your eyes connected and you both immediately broke eye-contact and started blushing.

"Bye," you said opening the door and walking out. "Bye," he surprisingly responded. You closed the door and started heading home.

It was safe to say that you weren't going to fall asleep that night.

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sorry if that was rushed i just felt like something needed to happen lol

also saiki was so ooc, im sorry!!

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