24 : Chillin'

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hiiiii, im back!!

i have recovered, but im having a hard time finding motivation to write these chapters, but i want to make everyone reading this story happy with new chapters

also thank you thank you thank you for 55K reads and more than 2K votes!! i- just wow. that is a lot and im just really happy :)

anyways, hope you enjoy this chapter

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You were laying in your bed, bored out of your mind while listening to Lana del Ray and Clairo. You wanted to hang out with Harumi and Mikoto, but they had a date planned for today.

You learned from previous experiences that third wheeling wasn't fun, so you weren't planning on joining them.

You sighed for what felt like the hundreth time. You tried grabbing your phone without looking at it. You failed, so you groaned while sitting up and reaching for it.

Before you could open your phone, your mom barged in. "Are you planning on staying in your room all day?" "Most likely not" she said. "I don't know!" you answered, feeling frustrated for no reason.

"If you are planning on staying here, then clean up your room," she said before closing the door and walking away. 'Did she come in here just to say that?' you got up and walked to your closet.

You didn't wanna clean up your room, so you decided to go and bother Saiki. You picked out a black skirt, the (f/c) sweater Saiki gave you on the day of the festival. You adjusted your outfit to your liking.

You grabbed a small matching purse and headed downstairs. "Where are you going?" "To get my back blown out by Saiki" your mom asked you and your subconscious started acting up.

Because of what your subconscious said, you were blushing. "U-uhm, i'm going to a-annoy Saiki," you looked down, not wanting to look your mom in the eye after having such impure thoughts.

"Okay, well don't annoy him too much. Bye!" she walked back into the living room and sat down on the couch next to your dad. "Yeah, b-bye!" you put on your demonias and headed out.

'What the fuck was that!" you were still shocked and were hoping that Saiki hadn't heard that, since your house was in a 200 meter radius of his house.

You started walking to his house and soon was there. 'AY SAIKI! COME OUT!' you were using your new tactic that you had only used one time and it had worked.

He didn't answer so you continued, 'BRO! I'M OUT HERE!' You waited a bit, but still got no answer from him.

Annoyed, you groaned and took your phone to send him a text.

im outside your house rn

You saw that he read your text. You looked up and saw him looking out from his window. You smiled and waved, but he just walked away.


please leave me alone
also please change my contact name, it's really embarrassing

no to both of those requests
now get out here or im gonna walk in there and tell your mom that you was ignoring me💋

After a few minutes, he walked out looking really annoyed. "What do you want?" "You, please i'm begging" he asked you and your subconscious was running wild again. You blushed and looked down, because of embarrassment.

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