25 : New Year's Day

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i like how in one episode it's summer and then after like 3 or 4 episodes it's already winter, like ma'am please calm down🖐️

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It was already New Year's Day. You laid in your bed bored. You wanted to hang out with Harumi, but she was visiting family. She didn't want to, her mom dragged her along.

You were home alone, since your mom and dad were having a get together with their friends. They offered you to come along, but you knew you would be the only teenager there, so you declined.

Your next option was Saiki. He was probably at home trying to live in peace. You got up from your bed. You put on some black baggy pants and (f/c) sweater. You added some accessories that you liked and put on some make-up.

You grabbed your bag and walked downstairs. The house was really silent, almost creepy. You put on your favorite pair of boots and a long coat. You opened the door and walked out, closing and locking the door behind you.

You felt bad for going to his house empty-handed, so you went the other direction to the closest shop that had coffee jelly. It wasn't as cold as you had expected it to be, so you opened your coat.

Walking into the store, you saw Kaido. You went over to him to be polite. "Hi," you greeted him, tapping his shoulder. He got a bit startled. He turned around and relaxed when he realized it was just you. "Don't worry, the Dark Reunion isn't coming to get you today," you laughed a bit.

"Haha, yeah," he also laughed a bit, "A-ah, happy New Year by the way!" You had forgotten how adorable Kaido could be. "Happy New Year to you to-" "Big brother, are you ready to- Who's this?" "I'm the coochie man" you were interrupted by a little boy.

From what he said, you assumed he was Kaido's little brother. He looked really similar to Kaido, only he had slightly darker blue hair. He also had goggles on his head. "Hi, i'm (y/n)," you introduced yourself to the little boy.

"Is she your girlfriend?" "I'm not" he asked Kaido, looking up at him. Kaido got really red and started freaking out. "W-what!? W-w-what do y-you m-mean!" he was stuttering a lot. You chuckled at his reaction. "I'm not, i'm just his friend," you smiled at the little boy.

"Ohh," he nodded, understanding. "What are you here for?" "Coffee jelly" Kaido asked you. "I'm getting coffee jelly for Saiki," you answered. "Oh, i've been meaning to ask you for some time, a-are you and Saiki d-dating?" "I meann ;)" Kaido asked and now it was your time to freak out.

"U-uhm, yes? I mean no! Though i want to," you splurted out, blushing really hard and muttering the last part. Kaido heard it though. "Well, i hope everything works out for you," he smiled innocently.

"T-thanks," you said quietly, looking at the ground trying to hide your blushing cheeks. Kaido and his little brother were then dragged off by Kaido's sister. You went to grab some coffee jelly and headed to the cashier.

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You were close to Saiki's house. From a far you could see someone outside. They had long blue hair. 'Kokomi?' Once you got closer you heard her talking to no one. "-d be glad to," it sounded like she was imitating someone.

You saw her press the bell. Saiki probably had made sure the doorbell won't ring. "Hey Kokomi, whatcu doin'?" you stood next to her. Apparently she hadn't noticed you, since she got really startled and let out some kind of noise. 'Was that supposed to be a scream?'

"O-oh (y/n)! I didn't s-see you there. I-i was just going to invite Saiki to the festival. What about you?" "I was planning to hang out with Saiki so get your dirty ass outta here" she asked you. You already had gotten jealous, she was planning on asking him out to the festival?

"Oh, i was just going to hang out with him," you put on your best fake smile you had. You saw that Komomi's eye twitched a tiny bit. Before either of you could say anything else, someone walked up to you.

"Can i help both of you?" "No, go away" you turned around to see someone with slightly long blonde hair. Before you could take in anymore of his features, Saiki came bursting through the front door. "You can't keep girls waiting like that" the blonde man said.

Saiki looked furious, but his gaze softened a bit when he looked at you. You were all invited inside. You had found out that blonde guy was Saiki's brother.

You were standing next to Saiki while Kokomi was wishing a Happy New Year to Saiki's parents. You reached your hand in your bag and took out a package of coffee jelly. "Happy New Year," you gave it to Saiki with a smile.

Saiki's face lit up and took the coffee jelly with a smile. 'Oh my god! He's so cute!' you thought and Saiki glared at you for that comment. "Happy New Year to you too over there, (y/n)!" your tiny moment with Saiki was interrupted by Saiki's mom.

You turned around and smiled. "Thank you! Happy New Year to you too," you bowed politely. The conversation continued on to a different topic, Saiki was really bored and wanted to get away from his brother and Kokomi

He tapped your shoulder and motioned to the door. He started putting on his shoes and you did the same. Sadly, Kokomi and Saiki's brother joined you both

- - -

Saiki's brother was really getting on your nerves. As much as you didn't particularly like Kokomi, she still was kind of your friend. So when he started teasing her, or in other words insulting her, you were pissed.

"Can you just shut the fuck up?" you said, fuming with anger, also trying not to yell. He finally shut his mouth and all of you continued walking.

He then started apologizing, saying he was only teasing her. You rolled your eyes hearing his words. Out of nowhere, Kokomi started crying. You couldn't tell if she was actually crying or if it was acting. It was probably the latter.

A bunch of men started surrounding Saiki's brother. You and Saiki got separated from Kokomi. Saiki used that chance to teleport both of you out of there. As much as Saiki was thankful to Kokomi for getting rid of his brother, he still didn't want to hang out with her.

You both ended up on a hill. You looked down and could see the festival still ongoing. Saiki went to sit down on a bench and you followed him. You both sat in silence until you started to speak.

"You never told me you had a brother," you said, looking off into the distance. "I don't ljke to mention him," he said making you chuckle. "For a good reason, he's such a dick," you turned around to face him and caught him staring at you.

"What? Admiring the view~?" you teased him. He looked away, embarrassed that he was caught. "Shut up," he said making you chuckle again.

"Hey, i'm going to try out something," you said and he already knew what it was going to be. "Please don-" "Kusuo," you interrupted him and examined his face for any reactions.

His cheeks were pink for a second, before the blush dissappeared. "Come on! Now you have to say my given name," you said, poking his shoulder. "I'm not doing that," he said. "Pleaaasee!" you begged him.

He sighed and then looked at you, "(y/n)." Your stomach exploded with butterflies and your cheeks were burning. You also started giggling like a child because how happy you were.

"Say it again!" you said, wanting to hear him say your name again. "(y/n)," you started giggling again. Your heart was also beating very fast. Saiki looked at you with a soft smile while you were giggling.

Hearing your laugh was also making his heart beat fast. Though he would never admit it. Would he?

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i hope you enjoyed that chapter <3

i also finally got a mullet :))))))))

im also really close to 69K reads so this is an early thank you and also, nice ;)

hope you have an amazing rest of your day!! bye 😗✌️

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