5 : First friend

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You were now standing in front of your house with Kuriko. You turned to her and thanked her for walking you home. She nodded and went forward.

You entered your house and yelled, "I'm home!" only to be met with your mom's head peaking out of the kitchen.

"Hi (y/n), welcome home! How was your day?" "Good and weird" she asked you and you answered her question with the exact answer your subconscious said. "Good and weird."

"Oh really? How so?" "Pastry and pervert boy" "After school ended some guy walked up to me claiming to be the love of my life or something, he then asked me on a date!"

"Ohhh!" your mom's eyes lit up with excitement, "Did you say yes?" "No" "No, i didn't," your mom's eyes were no longer filled with excitement, but now she was curios.

"Why not?" "Pervert" "Because he was a pervert, mom, he was totally staring at my boobs and my thighs! I hated every second with it!" your mom chuckled a bit at your answer.

"Well at least someone is looking at you. Who knows maybe you're gay." "MOOOOM! Stop it!!" she started laughing.

"Okay, okay," she calmed down, "Dinner's ready," she turned to look at you and seeing that you were filled with excitement at the mention of food had her laughing again.

"Smells delicious, mom, i love youuuu!" your mom chuckled and ruffled your hair, "Eat up, sweetie."

- - -

After dinner, you washed your plate and went upstairs to your room after saying good night to your mom, because you probably won't be leaving your room for the night.

While you were about to open the door to your bedroom, you heard that the front door opened. You knew it was your dad and you were too tired and lazy to go down the stairs so you just went into your room and closed the door.

- - -

After your night routine you laid in your bed staring at the ceiling with your (e/c) eyes. You were about to fall asleep, when you heard loud voices coming from downstairs.

You knew it was your parents. They were starting to fight more often. It started off maybe two or three times a month, then it became every week, and now it is about 3 days a week.

You were hoping that they would get better, because you loved them both, and you knew that they also loved each other. At least you hoped they did.

Not wanting to hear anymore muffled yelling, you put on your headphones and drifted off to sleep.

- - -

After Saiki arrived home, he knew that you had powers, because all the time that you weren't talking and trying to fill up the akward silence with conversation, you were thinking about your powers this, your powers that.

He was a little bit shocked, because it was such a strange power, but he wondered if Toritsuka knew about it, since he knew about Saiki's powers.

He was also surprised at the fact that you didn't try hard to act average, you just were. He had noticed the teachers thinking about you and from what he could gather, you would either get a place above him or below him in a test.

You were also average looking. You were the average height and weight. For some reason his x-ray vision didn't work as fast on you. Meaning he saw your face for longer, before you turned to bones for him. Because he saw you longer he couldn't help but admire you. He didn't like to admit it, but you were good looking.

He wondered what he would do about this. He really didn't want to ask Toritsuka for help, because he didn't like the guy. He also couldn't ask you.

His head started to hurt from all this thinking. He decided that he would deal with this later and went to sleep.

- - -

Morning came around and now you were walking to school. You were lost in your thoughts, thinking about good memes, until you heard someone calling your name.

'Why is someone always calling my name!' you turned around and saw Yumehara. You decided to stop so she couls catch up.

"Hi (l/n)!" she said with a bright smile. "Oh, hi Yumehara," you said with a small smile. You started walking to school together and she decided to bring up yesterday.

"Hey (l/n), you really didn't talk much yesterday," 'It was because you always interrupted me!' "Yeah, i guess," you said, not knowing what to say.

"Do you like someone?" "No" she asked staring at you, as if trying to steal your soul. 'That came out of nowhere!'

"No, i don't," i said truthfully. "Whaat, come on. You have to like someone!" "I don't," she was still trying to fetch my soul.

This went on for some time until she finally gave up. "You're just like Saiki and Kuriko, except you talk more and you're a bit more kind." "Oh uhm, yeah, i guess, thanks?"

You walked in akward silence. You immediately said something, because you hated it. "Do you like someone?" her face flared up, "U-uh, yeah i-i do, his name is Kaido."

'Wow, she really just admitted that only knowing me for less than a day. Where have i heard that name?' "Do i know him?"

"Yeah, he's in our class!" "Oh, ok." you walked for a bit. This time Yumehara started the conversation.

"Can i call you by your first name?" "Yes" "Yeah, you can. But in return i'll also call you by your first name." "Okaay, (y/n)," your cheeks were a bit pink. 'Did i really just make a friend!' "Okay, Chiyo," you said and you both giggled.

"We're here," Chiyo said and you turned your head to the school. "That was fast, i guess time does fly by when you're having fun with a friend!" she said winking at you.

"Y-yeah, i guess it does," you smiled at her. 'This is it. My first friend at PK!'

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