11 : Vine

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You were sitting in class eating with Chisato. Ever since you found out that Harumi went to the same school as you, you would sometimes eat lunch with her.

Today you decided not to, because, honestly, you were too lazy to move after PE.

You were zoning out and eating your lunch, when someone suddenly burst trough the door of the classrom.

You looked over to see who it was and saw that it was Harumi. "Heeey, bitch! Let's go eat lunch together!" she was talking very loudly.

She walked over to your table and everyone was looking at you, and whispering about you. 'Great, she just had to be loud. Of course.'

You gave her an annoyed look. "Don't give me that look!" she pouted. "Stop acting like a child."

"Oh, come on! Lighten up a bit. Lesgoo! Or should i stay here?" "Yes" she asked. There weren't as many people looking at you anymore.

"Sure," you answered with a tired smile. Harumi turned the seat, that was in front of you around, so she could sit on it.

Harumi looked over to Chisato, who was still eating the food you always gave her, and staring at Harumi. "Hi! My name is Asai Harumi, but you can call me Harumi!"

"Mera... Chisato," she mumbled while stuffing her face. "Jeez, Chisato. You look like you haven't eaten in days," Harumi laughed.

Harumi then started slowly looking around the class. "Oh, found him!" she narrowed her eyes. You followed her gaze.

She was looking at Saiki. "Damn. I have to admit he is pretty c-" you cut her off by slaming your hands on her mouth and loudly saying, "SHHHHH!"

That wasn't the smartest idea since now, everyone was staring at you again, except for Saiki. 'Well, if people are staring at me, it would be nice if he also stared.'

He didn't move and kept his gaze to the front of the class. You sighed, feeling a bit disappointed.

Harumi started prying your hands off of her mouth and laughed. "Calm down, (y/n)! You're too tense. Besides, you know i wouldn't tell people about your little crush," she teased and said the last part quieter.

You blushed. "S-shut up!" she laughed at you. "Aww. You're cute when you stutter," she teased you again.

You pouted and looked away. "Look who's acting like a child now," she smirked. "Yeah, yeah. Let's eat," you both started eating.

Soon the bell rang and she got up. "Well seeya later, buckaroo!" she waved and winked. "Byeeee!" you shouted back, now feeling a bit more confident after spending time with Harumi.

When Harumi walked out of the door you overheard some boys talking. "Wasn't she hot!" "Yeah, not as pretty as Teruhashi tho."

You scoffed. 'Everything isn't about Teruhashi. And besides, Harumi wouldn't even like you, you morons,' you found yourself making fun of them in your head until the teacher walked in and started the lesson.

- - -

You and Saiki were now sitting on grass, in a small park. This was the second time this happened.

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