23 : Soulmates

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holy shit thanks for more than 30K views and 1K votes!!

i love all of youuu!!

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You were sitting in class, not listening to the teacher. Instead your mind was wandering. It was wandering far from sunlight, deep down into the gutter. You didn't even know how you got there.

"Your thoughts are really disturbing, please stop," you heard a voice in your head. Your face was now really red out of embarrassment. You gad forgotten that there was a person that could read your mind.

'Fuck, i'm so so so sorry!' you apologized to him, not looking in his direction. "Just pay attention to class," Saiki's words echoed in your head again.

'Fucking nerd,' you thought, not being able to control your thoughts. Saiki heard and sent a small glare your way. You smiled innocently at him.

You listened to his command and tried to listen to the teacher. That didn't work for long, because you were already bored again.

This time, you got lost in your thoughts about how moving our hands and everything else works. It's really weird that your brain sends signals for you to move your hand. The more you think about it, the more fascinating it gets.

But eventually, that subject also got boring to think about. You sighed, feeling bored and then an idea popped up. 'Ay Saiki! Get me in contact with Mikoto. You can do it with your forced telepathy or something, right?'

"No," he simply answered. You started whining and begging, but he ignored you. 'I'll bake sweets for you, or even coffee jelly,' you tried bribing. It worked, of course.

'Hey Mikoto!' you greeted her, hoping she could hear you. 'Yo, (n/n). What's up?' "The ceiling" she thankfully had heard you and answered.

'Not much, just wondering if you would want to hang out with me and Harumi after school?' you asked her. The three of you hanged out at least one time a week. 'Sure,' she answered, sneaking a glance at you, so the teacher wouldn't see.

She smiled at you and quickly turned back. In the time she was still looking at you, you smiled back at her. 'Then see ya,' you said, taking notes so the teacher wouldn't be suspicious of you. 'Yeah, see you,' Mikoto said, doing the same.

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After school had ended, you, Mikoto and Harumi were walking to a café. Everything was good until she started talking about Saiki being her soulmate.

You got visibly uncomfortable, but somehow Mikoto didn't notice. She hadn't figured out that your crush was Saiki. On the other hand, Harumi knew that you were uncomfortable. She also felt really bad for you, your crush was apparently soulmates with your new friend.

You three walked into the café and got seated. Mikoto was still talking about Saiki and how cold he was. "You know, now that i think about it, Saiki is a bit less cold to you," she said, turning her head your way and locking eyes with you.

You broke eye contact and looked to the side. Luckily for you, the food and drinks arrived. You were spared, because Mikoto got excited about her drink and took a photo of it.

You all started to eat and drink, causing you all to talk less. But that didn't mean Mikoto had forgotten about the subject. "Okay, to get back on topi-" she started, but got cut off.

"Yeah, they're close. They both have a thing for each other, but Saiki's trying to deny it," Harumi said, slightly smirking. Both you and Mikoto stared in shock. You kicked Harumi's foot, but her smirk just widened. She was speechless for a bit.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner! I've probably been making you uncomfortable!" she reached over the table to grab your shoulders and slightly shake them.

"You're not mad?" you were confused, because you thought Mikoto would be mad. She took her hands away from you and sat back down. "Yeah, well a little bit," she looked down at her cup and started stirring her drink, "But i've probably been making you so uncomfortable. I'm sorry!"

Harumi was happy that everything had worked out. "So you're gonna help us, right?" "Yes, she is" Harumi asked her and you kicked her foot again. "That's rude!" you whisper-yelled at her.

"Well i still want Saiki to be my soulmate, but he doesn't like anyone romantically so this is a rare case. I would like to help," she said, striking some pose. "Yes!" Harumi celebrated, jumping up from her seat. She felt victorious and really confident.

"Aren't i supposed to be the one celebrating?" you asked Harumi, grabbing her arm so she would sit down. She complied by sitting down, but she also pouted and crossed her arms, "Oh shut up, let me have some fun."

"Let me check who your soulmate is!" Mikoto said, grabbing her crystal ball out of her bag. She did some kind of ritual. After she was done, she looked really confused and shocked.

"What?" you asked her. She looked up from her ball and looked at you. "It's the same description that mine had," she said, sounding really confused. "Wait so Saiki has two soulmates?" you asked her, trying to understand the situation, but you were also freaking out about the fact that Saiki was indeed your soulmate.

"I don't think that's possible. Let me check my soulmate again," she did the same ritual again with her crystal ball. This time she was speechless. "It changed?!" she yelled, causing a few customers to look at you all.

"How does that work, what kind of logic is this?" "Convenient fanfiction logic" Harumi asked, confused but happy that Saiki was your soulmate. You were really confused by what your subconscious was saying, but you decided to ignore it.

"So what does your new soulmate look like?" you asked Mikoto, who was slightly out of it because of this whole situation. She didn't understand how this had happened. "They have the initials A. H., blue eyes. They also go to PK Academy! Wait they have long black hair, so it's a girl!?" Mikoto, despite being confused, still answered your question.

"Hmm, i wonder who that could be," Harumi was holding her face in her hand, with her elbow on the table. Her long black hair going down her back and her beautiful blue eyes slightly sparkling, because of the sun's reflection. That's when realization dawned upon you.

"Is there any more information about her?" you asked, not wanting to jump to conclusions. "Yeah it's says she's caring, but can be childish," Mikoto said. Now you were confident about who her soulmate could be.

Harumi looked deep in thought, probably trying to figure out if she knew anyone with that description. You didn't know if she was acting dumb or she actually was such an airhead.

Mikoto also was trying to figure out who it could be. "You're both idiots," you said, gaining their attention. They looked confused. "Complete airheads," you insulted them again. "Hey i know it's the truth, but are you gonna keep insulting us or are you going to tell us what's going on?" "I'm gonna tell you" Harumi said, pouting like a child again.

"Think about the description again. And this time actually look in front of you," you said, aiming the last sentence at Mikoto. She looked at Harumi and thought about the description. Her face suddenly lit up in realization. Harumi still was confused.

"Oh my god, it's you!" Mikoto exclaimed, jumping up from her seat. "What?" Harumi was still confused. She looked at you for guidance and you hit her on the head. "Hey what was that f- Oof," Harumi started saying, but was cut off by Mikoto engulfing her in a hug.

Harumi looked confused for a bit more, but eventually you knew she understood, because her face also lit up and she started hugging back.

"Damn, my soulmate is a complete baddie," Harumi said, after pulling back from the hug. "And my soulmate is one of the most beautiful girls in school," Mikoto shot back, winking at Harumi, causing her to blush.

"Oh get a room, please!" you said and they remembered that you also were with them.

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i hope you don't mind that i changed up the plot and that Mikoto and Harumi are soulmates

for all the Harumi simps, i'm sorry but you won't be marrying her😔

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