1 : New student

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Your door opened as you waked up. "(y/n) wake up and get ready for school!" was the first thing you heard. "ngh," you replied to your mom, because you were still too tired to talk. "You better start getting ready, you look terrible," she said as she closed the door. 'Wow, thanks mom,' you thought.

You got up and went to the bathroom. You looked in the mirror. 'she was right, i do look terrible.' You then took a shower, brushed your teeth and (h/c) hair.

You went back into ylur room to get changed into your new school uniform. 'I hate this,' you thought as you put on the uniform, 'Actually, it's not that bad.' You went out of your room to go downstairs.

As you walked into the kitchen, your dad looked at you. "Good morning," he said, "Good morning," you replied. Your mom then started talking "Go get yourself a plate, breakfest is going to be ready soon. We're having pancakes."

Ypur face lit up at the mention of food. "Yay!" your dad laughed at your outburst, "You really are your mother's daughter." "Hey! What is that supposed to mean!" your mom yelled and then all of you bursted out laughing.

- - -

After having breakfest, you went to walk out the door and go to school. "Good luck! And make sure to make a good first impression. You never know who you might end up marrying!" your mom winked at you. "Mooom! Stop embarrassing meeee!!" you said while slightly blushing. "Yeah, yeah. Just have fun, bye sweetie!" "Bye mom, love you!"

- - -

When you arrived at school people were looking at you and you hated it. 'What you wanna fight? Let's go!' you thought while looking at people, being too much of a pussy to say it out loud.

What you didn't know was that someone walking behind you was slightly irritated by your thoughts and the fact that there was another transfer student.

- - -

You were now walking through the school, lost, trying to find class 2-∭. 'Dammit, dammit, dammit. I hate this. Why?! I want to ask someone for help, but curse me for being anti-social.' While you were lost in your thoughts and trying to find your class, you didn't notice that there was a person coming to your rescue.

"Uhm, excuse me? Are you lost?" "Yes" someone called behind you. You turned around to find the most beautiful girl you've ever seen.' Wow, she's so pretty' you thought, "Uhh, y-yeah i am. I am l-looking for class 2-∭. C-could you tell me where it is?" 'Dammit, what is wrong with me why did i stammer?' "Oh of course, i'm in that class too, follow me!" she said as she smiled at you with the most prettiest smile. "Okay."

"Oh, by the way, what is your name? My name is Teruhashi Kokomi." "(l/n) (y/n)" she asked. "Oh, it's (l/n) (y/n), nice to meet you," you said with a nervous smile. "That's such a beautiful name. It's nice to meet you too!" she said and that made you feel better. "Thanks, your name is nice too." you said.

After walking trough the halls and hearing multipe 'offu's you made it to the class. Teruhashi excused herself and then went into the classroom. The teacher saw you and introduced herself and told you to wait for when she calls for you to come in.


The bell rang and the teacher went inside to start talking about a new student and to treat you with respect and be kind. You zoned out not thinking about what she was saying as you started getting nervous.

'What if they don't like me? What if i'm not good enough? Oh dog, i'm overthinking again.' you snapped out of your thoughts as you heard the teacher say your name.

You walked into the classroom and all eyes were on you. 'Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh n-' you were interrupted by the teacher, "Please introduce yourself." "R-right, m-my name is (l/n) (y/n). I-i hope we get along" you bowed while scolding yourself for stuttering.

"Right then, go take your seat next to Mera over there," she pointed at a girl who had her hair tied into two low bunches and glasses with a lens missing. 'Huh, that's weird, why doesn't she have a lens.' You nodded and headed towards your seat.

- - -

okay, that was the first chapter, how did you like it? anything i can improve on? constructive criticism is welcomed.

thank you for reading!!

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