21 : Baddie

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that smirk^

chile, my bi ass is quaking

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It was the start of September. Summer break had ended. You had spent the whole month of August either hanging out with Harumi, or sitting at home, all alone.

You hadn't seen Saiki for a month, and when you finally saw him again, he somehow had gotten more attractive in your eyes, if that was even possible.

Now you were sitting in class, talking to Mera. There was news of a new exchange student, and you were slightly excited. The people who were most excited, were the boys. They annoyed you with their screaming.

The teacher walked in and most of the boys immediately stood up. 'Horny motherfuckers,' you thought, as the teacher called the transfer student in.

"What's up?" "Not much" the transfer student walked in. Some of the guys became dissappointed, while your eyes almost popped out. She was a gyaru, she had green eyes and green-yellowish hair, she also had lots of accessories, 'Wow she's hot.'

"I'm Mikoto Aiura. Just call me Miko," she started introducing herself, "My hobbies are fortune-telling and decorating nails." She was definitely interesting, and you wanted to become friends with her.

"Fortune-telling? I'm into that too!" Chiyo piped up from her seat. "Really? Fortune-telling is awesome, right?" she already was getting along with Chiyo, "What's your name?" "I'm Chiyo Yumehara," she introduced herself to Mikoto, "I can show you this fortune-teller who's really good."

They were having a conversation, as if they were the only two in the classroom. "Thanks. But you've got it wrong, Chiyopipi," she started opening her bag, and it seemed, that she already had a nickname for Chiyo.

"I'm a fortune-teller myself," she took some sort of crystal ball out of the bag and did a pose for some reason. Now you really, really wanted to be her friend.

Class went on, and after it ended all of the girls, including you, were surrounding Mikoto. "Chiyopipi, what do you want me to check about your future?" she asked Chiyo. "Well, how about my career?" Chiyo said while blushing, and you couldn't help, but think that she was lying, but you couldn't tell, since you weren't technically participating in the conversation.

Mikoto knew immediately that she was lying and instead started preparing to do a fortune-telling on Chiyo's future with boys. She out of nowhere had a bucket filled with water, ink and an eraser. She took the bucket and started spinning it around really fast, 'Holy shit, she on x games mode.'

She took the eraser and did something with it, then she put it in the bucket. She crouched down and was smelling it? You weren't really sure what she was doing, but she was an interesting individual, that you needed to become friends with.

"Your compatibility is two percent," Mikoto said after she was done, and you bursted out laughing, while Chiyo looked offended. You continued laughing, while Mikoto explained to Chiyo that she should give up and started exposing her. That only increased your laughing, you were clutching your stomach, because it was starting to hurt.

Chiyo ran off with tears in your eyes. You felt a bit bad, but the whole situation was still funny to you. You saw that a lot of people were looking at you with weird looks. You calmed down and were blushing, because of the slight embarrassment.

Mikoto turned her attention to you and asked if you also wanted a go. You nodded and she started thw whole ritual again. After she was done she gave you your answer, "Your compatibility is eighty-one percent." You blushed and looked at Saiki. He had a shocked expression on his face for a split second, but you still saw it.

'Does he know? He probably knows, right? I still haven't figured out how he disappeared. Anyways, so i have that high of a chance?! Manifesting really does work, huh?' you were slightly freaked out, but excited at the same time. You eventually calmed yourself down.

"You're really good at this, huh?" you asked Mikoto, wanting to start a conversation with her. "Yeah, i am," she answered with confidence. "My name is (l/n) (y/n)," you introduced yourself. "Nice to meet you, (n/n)," she gave you a wink and you slightly blushed.

The creepy pervert with purple hair came up to Mikoto. You had forgotten his name. He asked for his compatibility with Mikoto, and she shut him down immediately, causing you to burst out laughing again.

He left, feeling completely down. After he left, Mera came up to Mikoto asking about her missing father. You felt really bad about her. Mikoto agreed to find her father and you were interested about how she was going to do it.

She performed another weird ritual. "He's in Puerto Rico," she answered. 'How? What?' you didn't understand how she could do this, well then again, you also had weird powers, but hers were much better than yours. Mera ran off, satisfied with the answer and determined to find her dad.

Someone asked about the rituals she performed. "I'm just winging it," she answered and you were shocked. 'Winging it?' you and Saiki thought of the same thing, of course you didn't know. She started explaining everything. She apparently also could she auras, but was off her game today.

Another person asked why she transferred to this school. She explained that her soulmate was at this school. You were really amazed by her power. She described how he looks like and your heart shattered a bit.

She pretty much described Saiki. And the initials were S. K. Other people started wondering who it could be, while you were devastated. You thought that you were really compatible with him, but as it turns out, he wasn't made for you.

You sat down at your desk and started sulking, until a familiar voice snapped you out of your misery, "Hey, what's wrong?" "Saiki is Mikoto's soulmate" you looked up and saw Harumi trough your teary eyes.

As soon as you looked up, she engulfed you in a hug. She wiped your tears and rubbed circles on your back, trying to calm you down. She glared at anyone, that looked at you both with a disgusted look.

You eventually calmed down and explained the situation to her. "There must be a different guy with the same appearance," she tried making up excuses to make you feep better. "You just have to hope that it isn't him," she reassured you and you nodded.

"Where is that new girl, anyway?" "Surrounded by girls" Harumi asked, curious about her. You pointed to the place all of the girls were gathered in a circle. Harumi stood up so she could get a better look. "Wow, she's really hot," she said once she finally saw Mikoto.

"That's what i said!"

- - -

she's finally here!

maybe after i finish this book, i'll make one chapter that is Harumi x reader, i feel like that would be the end result in a diffrent reality if you got over your feelings for Saiki

hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

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