14 : Confession

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^that picture is bout to make me act up

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You lost a bet. A very serious one. A very stupid one. Against Harumi at that. You should have never done it.

You and Harumi made a bet to see if you call Teruhashi and ask her to hang out, whether or not she will ask if Saiki will be there.

You thought that she wouldn't, because she wouldn't make it that obvious that she wanted to hang out with Saiki.

Boy were you wrong!

You lost the bet, that you never should have made, and the punishment was, that you have to confess your feelings to Saiki.

You were now walking to school with Harumi. She kept teasing you about the punishment, but you ignored her. You were dreading what was going to happen.

You were too lost in your thoughts, thinking of the worst case scenarios that would happen, to see that you were already at school.

"Sooooo, when are you going to do it?" "After school" she asked and you already decided it would be best to ask him to meet you after school.

"I'm going to ask him to meet me after school," you said walking into the school building.

"Well, you better ask him before lunch, because i'm going to go and check on you," she had a teasing smile on her face.

"O-okay," you muttered. 'Now i have a time limit. And she's going to come and check if i asked?!'

"Well then. Seeya bae!" she walked off to her own classroom. "Bye," you walked into your classroom and sat down.

You said good morning to Chisato. 'Okay, i have a lot of time, before lunch. I can do this. Don't be a pussy (y/n)!'

You looked at the board in front of the classroom, thinking about how you would ask him, and how you would confess to him.

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'Jesus christ, lord have mercy on my fucking soul,' you walked back to your seat, after asking Saiki to meet you at the school gates after school.

He surprisingly said yes without you having to persuade him with coffee jelly. 'That's weird.'

What's better is the fact, that you asked him at the last minute. It was already lunch break. Every chance you got before, you pussied out.

The doors opened and in walked the mastermind behind this all. She smiled brightly, waving her black long hair around like a total badass.

You even heard a person say 'oh', while others blushed. 'Wait that sounded like a female voice. Who was she? A potential girlfriend for Harumi?'

You started to turn around, but got interrupted by Harumi slamming her hands down om your desk. "Soooo, did you ask him~?" "Yes"

"Y-yeah i did," you looked down at your desk, wanting to avoid eye contact, "H-he agreed."

"Yes! Yes yes yes yes! You go get him, girl!" she started shouting again. You. rolled your eyes, already used to her behavior.

"Can you quiet down a bit?" you asked her, a bit annoyed. "You're just not feeling my energy," she huffed and crossed her arms.

'She's acting like a child again,' you sat there waiting for her to say something. She looked deep in thought.

"Saiki (y/n), it has a nice ring to it. I wonder how many children will you have. Oh, mabye you'll get a dog, or a cat!" you blushed immediately.

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