22 : Powers

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saiki in the manga is just wow

also you're going to be replacing Yumehara in this chapter, i hope that's okay with y'all

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You went to school the next day. You were staring at the board in front of the class, waiting for class to start. You noticed Saiki wasn't here.

That was really weird, since from what you could remember he never had missed a day of school. You looked around the class and saw Mikoto holding onto Kuboyasu's arm.

'Oh she's bold bold,' you thought looking at her. She caught you staring at her. She started walking towards you and you started panicking, 'Fuck shit. I should run. Maybe jump out the window?'

Before you could do either of those things, she was already in front of you. "You have an interesting aura," she said. "Oh, really?" you asked, interested in what your aura was like.

"Yeah, it's (f/c). It's calm, but also all over the place. I can tell you've got some issues, i think it's being attracted to fictional characters that aren't real and never will be. Oh, your love for women is also quite high," she said all of that, while smiling. You were staring at her in shock, stuttering 'i' s and 'uh' s.

You looked around to see if anyone had heard and thankfully, everyone was minding their own business. You talked a bit with Mikoto, before she went away to look for her soulmate.

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Over the next few days, Mikoto started doing a thing called 'S. K. hunting'. You and Harumi also became closer to her. You three would sometimes hang out after class, but Harumi couldn't make it today.

You walked to the rooftop to find Mikoto. "Miko, ready to bounce?" you asked her, as you opened the door to the rooftop. "(n/n), i can't find my mister right anywhere," she said in a sad voice.

You felt bad for her, but also hoped that it wouldn't be Saiki. "How many more guys are left?" you asked her, slightly leaning in. "Eighteen," she answered. 'That's a lot,' you thought.

"There are that many S. K.s?" you asked her, because you couldn't believe that there were that many people with those initials. "Yes. Including all the K. S.s," she explained, "See. You could read the initials backwards too." You nodded in understanding, as you looked at her notebook with all the names in it.

"I don't understand why i can't see anyone's aura in the school," she whined, taking a few steps forward. You followed her. "Maybe this school is cursed," she tried making up a theory.

Your own theory popped up in your mind, "Maybe your mister right's aura is so big you can't see it." "That's it!" Mikoto's face lit up. You suggested that you watch the people that walk out of the school. She agreed and complimented you on how smart you were, even though that wasn't true.

You watched as Saiki was walking out of the school and the only thing you could think of was, 'Please don't be him. Please not him. Please please please please.' He walked out of the gates and you were hoping really hard that it wasn't him.

"Well?" you turned to Mikoto. "No. Nothing," she said, looking sad. You sighed in relief, feeling much better, but also feeling a bit bad for her.

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You both were still on the rooftop. It was already dark and you were feeling bored. Most of the time, you spent scrolling through your for you page, but the content had gotten boring.

"Hey, why don't we go home?" you asked her. "Want to get some food at Saizeriya?" "Yes please" she asked and you suddenly got very hungry. While you nodded, Mikoto looked away with a surprised look on her face.

"I can see them now!" she screamed. "What! Now?" you asked, grabbing onto her shoulders. "Yeah, i-" she started speaking, but stopped when she looked at your face. She looked terrified and you got self-conscious about your face.

"What is it?" you asked her, feeling confused and self-conscious. "You have the mark of death on you," she said, backing away a tiny bit. "A fucking what now?" you asked, feeling even more confused and now a tiny bit scared.

"Damn, i wanted to die, but like now i kinda don't want to," you joked, not knowing how else to approach this situation. You tried resting your elbows on the railing, but as soon as you touched it, it fell, causing you to also fall.

Thankfully Mikoto had managed to grab your foot. You were looking at the ground, feeling more and more terrified as each second passed by. "Don't you dare fucking let go!" you yelled at Mikoto, your voice filled with fear. "I'm trying!" she yelled back, but you could hear she was struggling.

You felt the grip on your foot dissappear, causing you to fall. You started screaming. You were approaching the ground really fast. You closed your eyes, hoping you wouldn't die. You were preparing for the impact, but it didn't come.

You felt someone holding you, so you opened your eyes and saw Saiki. You looked around and saw he was crouching, as if he had landed. You were mad confused on how he had gotten there.

Before you could question him, you both suddenly appeared on the rooftop. "What the fuuuck," you breathed out. "I'm right here," Saiki said, causing Mikoto to turn around and freak out. She started questioning him and he answered without opening his mouth.

'What in the actual fuck is going on,' was the only thing you could think of as Saiki was still holding you. Oh yeah, he was holding you. Once that registered in your brain, you started blushing.

Saiki's answers to Mikoto's questions were outlandish, but he answered like it was nothing. You couldn't keep up with their conversation, only some things registered in your brain, because you were still shocked from falling.

Apparently Saiki was a psychic. You were still slightly out of it. You looked completely confused, anyone could tell just be looking at you.

Saiki put you down on your feet. "Can you stand?" "Yes" he asked you, while still holding onto you, not wanting you to collapse. You nodded and he took his hands away from you. You felt sad at the loss of contact, but that was at the least of your concerns.

He turned around to give Mikoto proof. He pulled a spoon out of thin air. 'What? How?' you were already confused on how he got it, but then he tied the spoon in a knot without touching it, leaving you at a loss for words.

Everything was going too fast for you. Saiki fixed the guard rail and disappeared again. Mikoto looked at your face and sighed. You then remembered about the death mark.

"It's still there, isn't it?" you asked her. "Yeah," she answered in a sad voice, feeling bad for you. You slightly understood the situation. "So, there are going to be more situations like this?" you asked her, pointing to the guard rail.

"Yeah, but Saiki's going to help us," she said and that made you feel slightly better. You nodded and both of you stood in silence for a bit, before everything completely registered in your mind. Only now you started freaking out over the fact that Saiki was a psychic.

'So wait he can read my mind. Oh shit. I feel so bad for him,' you felt really bad for him, because your mind wasn't exactly the purest place. "Are you still up for food?" "Yes" she asked you, causing your stomach to growl.

She laughed a bit and collected her stuff, you doing the same. You both walked out of the school and started going to the restaurant, Mikoto leading the way.

- - -

The rest of the evening, Saiki had spent saving you from situations in which you could've died.

You laid in your bed thinking about the whole day and how crazy it was. Sadly for you, Mikoto now was convinced that Saiki was her soulmate.

You wanted to be her friend, but you also really, really liked Saiki. Him saving you multiple times only increased your feelings for him.

You sighed and rolled onto your side, closing your eyes. You hoped Mikoto's reading was wrong and that Saiki was your soulmate. Even if it was selfish, you didn't really care.

You just hoped everything was going to turn out the way you wanted it.

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so who's gonna tell y/n that this is a saiki x reader story👀

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