20 : Back home

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You woke up and rubbed your eyes. You looked around, you were where you fell asleep yesterday, but Saiki was nowhere to be found, 'He must have gone back to sleep with the others.'

You stood up and looked to see if anyone was looking. You confirmed that there was no one around you. You smelt your armpits and immediately gagged.

You wanted to go swim, so you could cleanse your body a bit, but you had no spare clothes. 'Maybe i can swim with my clothes on. That way i can wash me and my clothes.'

You smiled at the brilliant idea, but before you could execute it, everyone came walking your way in a group, 'Guess they woke up.'

You followed them. Saiko sat on a big rock, whilst everyone else started working on something. You thought that Saiko was going to also help, but he just started throwing commands at everyone.

"You help too!" Kuboyasu yelled at him. "I'm supervising," Saiko gave a lame excuse. You rolled your eyes and went to help everyone else.

"It's going much faster ever since Saiko showed up," Chiyo said in a slightly amused way. "You're right," Kokomi agreed, "I'm just glad that Saiko decided to come back and help."

"I wonder what changed his mind," Chiyo said and they were both smiling like they had accomplished something. You were confused as to what they meant.

You looked at Saiki and he looked deep in thought, while holding a vine. 'Is he just going to stand there and do nothing?' even though he was your crush, you still wanted to get back home. You were a tiny bit annoyed that he was doing nothing at the moment.

"By the way, who will ride the raft?" "Everyone" Saiko asked. 'I thought everyone was going to ride it?' you were a bit confused. While you were in your own thoughts, you looked over at Nendo and he had a creepy red aura coming off of him, as he yelled at Saiko.

Saiko explained what he meant and you had to agree with him. You looked at Saiki again and he looked very annoyed. 'Wonder what that's about.'

- - -

You all went to get some lunch, before you could talk about your plan. Kaido was the first one to start talking about the plan. He asked if anyone wanted to go, but his question was met with complete silence.

"Me! I want to go on the raft!" Nendo yelled with his hands in the air. You honestly didn't care if you had to ride the raft or not. "If no one else wants to go, i can," you volunteered yourself and everyone looked a bit surprised.

"Well, us men should probably go, it would be safer for you to stay on the island," Kuboyasu said and even though you knew he meant well, you felt offended.

Kaido started explaining the plan, thinking everyone was going to agree. Saiko didn't, he wanted to stay on the island.

You knew what was going to happen, there was probably going to be a long discussion about who stays and who goes. You zoned out in advance, so you wouldn't have to listen to their arguing.

When everything was decided, you zoned back in to real life and found out, that you were going to be staying on the island with Saiki, Kaido, Chiyo and Kokomi. Everyone went back to work and so did you.

- - -

By the end of the day, you all had finished the raft. Kaido started giving some speech, then Nendo started making fun of him. After that you all ate dinner and went to sleep, except you.

You wanted to find that place in the forest again. You waited until everyone was asleep, so you could go looking for it. You carefully got up, trying not to make a sound.

You looked over at the boys sleeping and found that Saiki wasn't there. You found that really weird, so you went to investigate. You saw that Saiki was holding a bunch of trees. After you saw him, he disappeared.

"Fucking pardon?" you said out loud. You stood there in shock, trying to process what you just saw. You forgot all about that place in the forest, your concern now was figuring out what had happened.

You went back to the sleeping girls. You laid down and tried to fall asleep, but you couldn't. You didn't understand what had happened.

- - -

You had spent the whole night awake. You felt really tired and had bags under your eyes. Everyone had already woken up. You were still confused as to what happened, so you were even more out of it, than usual.

You didn't even notice the people who were here to rescue you, until Kuboyasu started freaking out. 'How did they find us so suddenly?' your head was starting to hurt from the over-thinking.

You got on the boat, still confused. You didn't know what to do with this information. Saiki was also confused about how he didn't notice you. It was already too late to erase your memory, since you had spent hours thinking about what you saw, "Good grief."

- - -

When you got home, your mom and dad overwhelmed you with bone crushing hugs. They took you to your favourite dining place and bought you everything you wanted.

You used that to your advantage and got multiple figurines and posters. The thought of Saiki still lingered in your mind. You didn't know whether to confronted him or not.

- - -

The next day you walked into class and everyone was asking you a bunch of questions. You couldn't keep up with them. You felt cornered by everyone, until someone pulled you out of your class and into the hallway.

That person hugged you tightly. You were confused as to who it was, until they started to speak, "I missed you. And you didn't even bring me along with you." You recognized thaf voice to be Harumi's and hugged her back.

When you both parted from the hug, she immediately started whining, "You didn't even text me after you got home!" "Oh right. Sorry, i had to get a new phone, since my other one is lost and probably ruined," you explained to her.

You also gave her your phone, so she could write in her number. After she wrote it in, she gave back your phone and started walking with you around the halls, chatting.

Every once in a while, someone out of nowhere asked you a question or said something about the island situation. Every time, Harumi intimidated them, so they would back off.

The bell was going to ring soon, so you both parted ways to go to your classrooms. You still were thinking about Saiki. You needed to find a way to figure out what was going on.

The rest of the day, you were bothered by normal students and even the newspaper club. You were lucky to have Harumi by your side, because she stood up for you.

- - -

holy jesus christ, oh lord. 10K READS?! that is a lot of people, wow. thank you all!! love you💝💖💗💓💞💕❤️

also Saiki's birthday is this Sunday😼😼

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