10 : I thought she was American

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Timeskip to a few weeks later, because i'm lazy like that.

You were now standing outside of a ramen shop. 'I can do it. This is the day. I will make friends with that waitress.'

You noticed that people started looking at you weirdly, because you were just standing outside of a ramen shop, not going in.

'Haha. Oops. Well, let's goooooo,' you opened the door and walked in. You scanned the entire shop with your focused (e/c) eyes.

'Please be here. Please be here. Please be here. Please be here. Please be he-' you were cut off by a voice. "Table for one?" "Yes"

You looked to the direction of the person talking. 'Yes, she's here!' "Yeah," you replied to her question.

"Okay, come this way," she started walking to a table and stopped. You sat down at the table she was standing next to.

"The waiter will be with you soon," she said smiling. 'Wait, waiter? Oh no, how will i become friends with her now?'

"Wait, c-can you be the waitress?" you blurted out. She looked surprised and confused, maybe a tiny bit creeped out. 'Great, now she thinks i'm probably weird.'

"Yeah, ok. What can i get you today?" "Ramen" she asked still confused. "I'll have some chicken ramen," she started writing it down.

"Great, anything else?" "Be my friend" she asked looking up from her small notebook. "U-uhm, can you take a break and eat with me?"

She looked more confused. You saw her contemplating it before she answered, "Uhh, y-yeah, sure. I'll be right back."

She walked into the kitchen to presumably tell the chef your and her order. And probably to get a new waiter, but she didn't.

After some time she came back with two bowls. She sat across from you, and put down the bowls."Thank you," you thanked her, being happy to eat.

You both started eating. There was akward silence. "U-uh, why did you want to sit with me?" "I want you to be my friend"

"T-this might sound weird, but a few weeks back, i came here with my friends and you were our waitress. I thought you had a good vibe and wanted to become friends with you," you admitted, not wanting to lie.

She laughed. 'Great, now i ruined everything,' you were getting really nervous."Well, i think you're being honest. If you are, sure we can become friends. I just hope you're not some murderer."

Now you both were laughing. You felt the need to introduce yourself, but she beat you to it. "The name's Asai. Harumi Asai."

'Ok, James Bond,' you thought sarcastically. "My name is (l/n) (y/n)," you smiled. "Well, (y/n). I can tell we're going to become great friends. What's your phone number? I trust you, but if you are a murderer, then i'm calling the police." "81-(      )-(      )"

You gave her your number after eating. You immediately got a text from her.

Unknown number:
yoo wasuup!
this is you right?



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