18 : Disaster trip

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You were sitting in class, bored as usual. Mera was stuffing her face with food, as usual. She already ate your lunch that you gave her, so where she got the food was a mystery.

You were still kinda freaked out by finding the fact that apparently Saiki likes you. Just the thought had your cheeks warming up.

You buried your face in your arms that you put on desk, in hopes of no one seeing you. You couldn't stop thinking of him.

Things had gotten a bit more akward between the both of you. It was your fault and you knew that. When you tried to talk to him, you would mess up and say something dumb and embarrassing.

You were snapped out of your thoughts by footsteps coming up and stopping at your and Chisato's desks. You looked up and saw Chiyo, "Let's walk around the school, i'm bored."

After saying that she basically dragged you out of your seat, because you didn't want to move, and she bribed Chisato with more food.

You were walking around, not really listening to Chiyo and Chisato's conversation. Instead you were thinking, 'Technically, cheese is just a loaf of milk. Damn, i'm a genius.'

You were snapped out of your thoughts once again by Chiyo greeting Kaido, "Hey, Kaido. What are you talking about?" "A trip" You were a bit annoyed, 'Why doesn't anyone let me think, goddammit. Rude.'

"Good timing. Are you three free this weekend?" "Yes" Kaido asked you all. "What?" Chiyo questioned, a bit confused. "We're going on Saiko's boat," Kaido explained.

'Wait, who's Saiko. Dammit, remember (Y/n)! Wait, is he the rich boy? I think he's the rich boy,' while you were trying to figure out who Saiko was, Kaido had explained everything.

"What about you, (L/n)?" "Yes" Kaido asked you and although you were a bit confused, you agreed. 'A cruise? I've never been on one, it will be fun, right?'

You zoned out of their conversation again and started thinking if your parents will allow this. You hoped they would. You followed the group back to the classroom and you finally joined the conversation for real.

Kaido was talking to Saiko, as everyone stood in a half circle around his desk. You couldn't help but not listen to what they were saying, as you examined Saiko. You definitely got a rich boy vibe off of him.

You also couldn't help bit notice Saiki sighing. He looked distressed. He was probably dragged into this. 'Poor dude. He will have to deal with me,' you also sighed a bit, feeling slightly bad for him.

- - -

You somehow were able to convince your dad to say yes. He at first didn't agree, but after a lot of begging from you and a little push from your mom, he caved in.

You all were walking to the boat as a group. Kaido and Kuboyasu were at the front, Kokomi and Chiyo behind them, Chisato and Saiki in front of you and Nendo walking beside you.

You were looking at Saiki and already were getting flustered. 'It's just the back of his head, calm down,' you were repeating in your head over and over again.

Kaido suddenly screamed and looked up. You followed his gaze and saw Saiko standing on a big boat. He was talking and the others seemed to understand what he was saying, but you couldn't, he was too far away. 'Do they have super hearing or something?'

You all got on the ship. Kaido was screaming again, "Amazing!" Your ears hurt a bit. 'Doesn't his voice hurt from yelling too much,' you thought, annoyed.

He was looking at everything like a little child. As cute as it was, it was still a bit annoying. He wasn't the only one anymore, as Chiyo and Kuboyasu joined in praising the ship.

You were walking around as normal, when suddenly Kaido looked very pale. Chiyo was the first to notice and pointed that out. She started freaking out. You all had to stop walking to let him sit down.

"What's wrong? Are you sick?" "He's seasick, yes" Chiyo asked really worried. You wondered how was it not obvious that she liked him. "Yes. Just a little seasick," Kaido answered still looking like death. 'I think a little is an understatement.'

Chiyo ran off to get him some medicine and Chisato ran off to get food. Kuboyasu grabbed Kaido's shoulders and Kokomi kneeled. You felt bad for him, since you probably would have to spend a lot of time on the ship.

- - -

After some time, Saiko showed you all to a room where Kaido could lay down. Chiyo told all of you that she couldn't find any medicine. You found it a bit suspicious as to the fact that there was no medicine on this giant ship, but you brushed it off.

- - -

Saiko was currently scolding Chisato for eating all of the food. She was tied up and was growling. You frowned at the thought of no food, but then almost started laughing at the fact that Chisato was growling and the only thing you could think of was, 'Foreigner.'

You watched from beside Kuboyasu, as Saiko was holding Chisato by the shoulders, Kokomi was trying to scold her as if she was some dog and Nendo was just being Nendo.

You looked back at Saiki, who was standing behind you. He was breathing heavily and looked a little pale. 'Don't tell me he's sick too.'

"Hey, Saiki. A-are you okay?" you asked him, your question caught the attention of Kuboyasu and he looked at Saiki, also feeling worry wash over him.

Saiki suddenly collapsed to his knees. You had never seen him so weak before. You knelt down beside him. "I think Saiki's seasick too," Kuboyasu voiced your thoughts.

You got a better look at Saiki's face and he looked like he was freaking out. You also started freaking out, since Saiki always was calm. You helped him stand up and put one of his arms around your shoulder, as you started walking towards the room Kaido was in.

You could feel someone's piercing gaze at the back of your head, but you couldn't care less. Saiki was your top priority right now. He was a bit heavy, but you couldn't leave him on the floor and no one seemed to want to do anything about it, since all Kuboyasu did was yell that Saiki was seasick.

You got to the room and laid him down on the bed. His eyebrows were furrowed and you felt really bad for him. You looked at everyone in the room and saw that Chiyo had a suspicious and guilty look on her face, but you brushed it off once again.

Even though you already volunteered to nurse Saiki, Kokomi insisted that she also can help. You were annoyed, but let her also help, since it was too bothersome to argue.

Kokomi got close to Saiki and you felt jealous. She reached to take the hairpin out of his hair. After she took it out, the ship was starting to sink. You fell on top of Saiki, but before you could get flustered, you hit your head against the wall and passed out.

- - -

You opened your eyes and immediately hissed and grabbed your head. Your head hurt a lot. You looked around your surroundings, 'Huh? Where am i?'

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